Random thoughts and a little fishing. 7/26/12

Fish Catching Travel

The summer continues on.  Luckily we have had a lot of rain, in fact the Nursery area north of Victoria had more rain in one day than they had last year.  In fact, I was able to get out Tuesday and that was the first time it did not rain on me in 5 trips.

My friend Chris called wanting to go and I was happy as we had not fished together in quite a while.  Also he was taking me, which is always a treat, I do not have to do the thinking.  We got out first thing and headed to Welder’s Flats.

The fishing there was a sign of things to come.  We drifted the area several times and had a few good blow ups, but only managed to boat one redfish.  We tired of that so off to Shoalwater Bay.

We drifted the areas in the left that drain from the bay.  In multiple trips we only managed a red and a trout, and I believe they were all caught on plastics.  There seemed to be very little bait and other than those 2, we did not have another bite if memory serves me.  So off the first island outside the bay for some wading.

That went about the way the rest of the trip went.  Other than one small trout and 2 skipjacks, it was also a bust.  We just were not getting the bites so we decided to move to South Pass.

We made 2  drifts there without a bite.  The water was not moving worth a darn, and we sure weren’t fishing any better than that.  So another move was in order.  Now I wish I could tell you which back lake we went into, but I had never been there.  It was further down the bay from South Pass Lake, and we got there in a winding marsh channel.  Chris said in the winter in an air boat the trail is just a mud track.

The fishing back there was some what better.  Plastics accounted for around 2 or 3 trout and 4 or 5 reds.  Of those only 2 were keepers, maybe.  All in all it was the slowest day I have had in a long time.  So why did that happen?

I thing we were just fishing to shallow.  With the hot weather and high skies it seems the fish want a little more depth close.  At least for me right now that seems to be the pattern.  But even with that it was still a good time.  Any time on the water is a good time, and I really believe that old saying that time spent fishing is not deducted from your life.  In my case I could live to be 100.

Random Thoughts

Those of you that read my stuff know that I have really been preaching about civility on the water.  As it gets more and more crowded out there we just have to try to be nice and share, it is alot easier on the blood pressure.  And face it folks, it will only get busier.  So to the story.

I was headed down a bank with the tide.  As I was going along the edge of an oyster bar, headed right to a point throwing a topwater, a couple of older gents in a cool old Grady White idled towards me as I got to the point, and they just pulled right in front of me.  Now I do not mean like 100 yards, it was less than 100 feet!  They drove right on the bank in front of me on the edge of the point and tossed an anchor.  It was awesome.

So it was be nice time.  I just smiled, went on by them and kept on fishing.  It could have gone different, I could have said something, but why?  So I took the high road and spared myself the aggravation.  I nodded as I went by them and just kept on fishing.  In the end both of us had a better day because of it.  So if you can, just go on about your business it just is not worth it.


Africa is right around the corner.  Most everything is packed and I am ready to go.  I have the Temple Fork breakdown rod in the suitcase, and I will take a few rattle baits, jigs, and a couple of plastics.  What research I have done there is a bay with fish that like lures, but looking at the pictures I have no clue what they are.  I hope to have at least a half day guide trip while we are on the mission.

The tuna are apparently not there right now offshore, but my son-in-law’s uncle has a boat for fishing the bay so that should happen.  Add in a safari, possible shark cage dive, with other adventures and it should be great time.   I will post some pictures as I go whenever I get the chance.  So keep stopping in and I appreciate you reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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