Canada Day 2 – 6/10/12

Nestor Falls Morning Day 2

Very interesting to have it get dark after 10 pm, and then to wake up at 5:20 and it is already full on daylight.  So I got Jeff up and off we went.

We headed to the place we caught most of the fish yesterday and struck out.  So then we headed to the back end of a big bay.  What we were looking for was emergent grass beds.  We started seeing them beginning to grow in the last 18 feet of the bay.  As we caught fish on jerk bait, we started with that.  I managed to catch one good pike, and Jeff caught a smallmouth, but it was slow.   Then a big storm started to brew and we decided to head to the hills, to bad it was to late.

We made it about half way back to the resort when it really started to rain and blow, and then to top it off, some lightning and thunder.  So Jeff drove to a protected bank behind an island and we beached it and waited it out.  As soon as the lightning subsided we started down the same bank because Jeff had a smallmouth chase his jerk bait to the boat.  He switched to a jig and frog, and of course caught a muskie.  So that is our 2cnd one to the boat, and one follow, in 2 half days while smallmouth fishing.  We worked that area over and decided to head back to the big bay.

I started throwing a buzzbait as we tried to catch some more smallies.  As I reeled it in another muskie followed it to the boat and I caught him.  So now we are up to 3 muskies to the boat not fishing for them.  I can not imagine what would happen if we tried.  Later Jeff caught another smallie, but that turned out to be it for the day.  We headed in about 2 to eat and take a break before the evening session.

Fishing so involves the little things.  The water temperature on the main lake is 65, and back in the bays up to 70.  You would think a couple of experienced guys might have done a little research before we came, but we didn’t, so it was time to check spawning temps for the fish here, and of course they are all done.  So now we can at least eliminate the real back ends, and start concentrating on deeper patterns.

One of the things we will be doing is some trolling for lake trout.  Now I have no clue how to do that, but the folks here at Muskie Bay Resort know how, and they are happy to help.  And let me say this about Muskie Bay, our cabin is clean, nice, and is well appointed.  Nice to be on a fishing trip and not end up in a dump, which happened on our last trip to Amistad.

So that is it for now.  I left the camera in the boat, so when we get back I will download some pics.  So keep checking in, I will try to keep up.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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