Coleto Creek Report 5/31/12.

Fish Catching Travel


I was going to fish yesterday evening, but when my partner for the weekly tournament had to cancel for bigger and better things, I decided to wait until this morning.  The weather report was for the usual, 20 – 30 mph out of the southeast.  Fortunately it waited until about 9:00 to start to blow.   It was cloudy and dead calm when I got to the lake, and of course the buzzbait was the first order of the day.

Over the last couple of trips I have found that the fish seem to like the buzzbait better in the clearer water down lake.  So I started on a big grass flat and managed 3 right off the bat.  At that point I decided to do a little filming.

This is not all I caught on the buzzbait, but you get the picture.  It seems right now that the fish are really moving to the larger grass beds and grassy points on the main lake.  Keeping the boat in 6 – 8 foot of water, no matter how close or far from the bank seems to be the ticket.   Of course the best bite is the first couple of hours in the morning, and the last couple of hours in the evening.  During the day plastics are really the  better choice.  Though I am still catching some pitching the Rage Craw, I wanted to try something that might catch a little bigger fish.

About 9:30 the clouds decided to desert me, the sun came out, and it was headed to hot and sticky.  If you read my stuff you know that I have been working on something new, which is slow rolling/reeling a 10″ Strike King Anaconda.  I rigged it with a big 6/0 worm hook with a small 1/8oz. slip sinker pegged to the front, just enough weight to get it down.  I tried to buy a swim bait hook with just the right amount of weight on it, but could not find one.  Basically I was just trying to slow roll it hitting the tops of the grass.  The bites came out on the edge of the grass.  This technique has the potential to catch some really big fish in any lake where there is grass and cover, and I will surely be spending a little more time perfecting it.

A good one slow rolling the Anaconda.  I could get to liking this!  And the video below shows what little I know on how to do it, but I am learning.

At this point I ran out of  battery on the  camera, or I would have shown you some more.  But it really did not matter as the wind came up, and when it did, it really started blowing.  So with a pretty good morning under my belt, I decided to call it a day.  It was nice to get home around noon, plenty of time to clean the boat and sit down to write this article.

So now I am praying for this wind to finally lay.  I am itching to head back to the Gulf.  The fishing reports are great right now, and it is getting time for a fish fry.  And of course my Canada trip is less than a week away.  At this point there is very little left to do to prepare, and it will be easy to finish it off on Thursday when I leave.

So keep stopping in.  I plan on at least blogging and adding a few pics every day while I am there.  The videos will have to wait until I get home, but hopefully there will be some great fish.  Thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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