Tilapia and some bass.

My friend Aaron has a new job and is headed back to east Texas so we thought we would get in one more day of it before he heads out.  After whacking them on the Strike King Swimming Jig the last time we headed up lake to the last place we got them.

Once we got way up lake it was really off colored, which was no big surprise.  I caught a good one on my third cast, and that was the last one we got in the really off colored water.  We headed back to where the color began to clear and managed a few more, nothing big, just enough to keep it interesting.  As we headed down the long bank up the river the Tilapia were spawning everywhere.  One thing Aaron wanted to do was shoot a few, and boy did he.

These were nice big Tilapia, and basically they are spawning all over the lake on any bank that was just a little flatter.  We just eased down the bank and he would spot them and nail them.  He killed at least 10, and we could have killed a hundred if that was the plan for the day.  So folks, if you like to eat them, and shoot them, head to Coleto now.  Pick a bank, and I mean almost any bank and you will see the beds.  So Aaron was wanting some fish tacos, and now he has plenty.  The thing that surprised me was how big they were, and it was interesting to watch him shoot them.  Often they would ease out of the bed and in just a second or two they would poke their head back out, which always was a bad choice.

Of course during this time we would fish, then he would see them a shoot another one or two.  We ended up all the way up the other arm of the lake at the plant just hunting and pecking.  We were throwing that swim jig in the trash on the bank and they were coming out of it.  It interesting that the 10 or so I caught on it I only felt one actually hit.  The rest would just swim with it.  Today the blue seemed to be a little better than the bluegill color we used last time.

We caught a few like this, just could not crack that big one.  I also wanted to show you that jig, a 1/4 oz Swimming Jig with a Rage Chunk.

We also caught 4 or 5 on buzz bait, which we only threw for a little bit.  Aaron had to meet friends for supper so we called it a day at 5:30, just when they were starting up on the buzz bait.  But it was one of those days we got a late start and had to quit early, so I am sure it was the bait of choice early and late.  As the spawn is finishing up the fish are changing.  The grass is really starting to grow off the bottom in most places, and the lake is definitely on the rise.  It should set up some really nice early morning, late evening fishing on Coleto.

But for you bow hunters, hurry up and get to the lake.  The Tilapia have hit the beds in full force, and they are big.  If you want to put some in the freezer now is the time.  I have another buddy who likes to shoot them and I think I will give him a call.  Nothing like catching a few bass and filling the cooler with some good eating.

So thanks for stopping.  And remember to wear your hat and protect yourself with sunscreen.  I have not taken my own advice over the years, and tomorrow I am headed to the dermatologist for some “things” on my face.  So I am sure I will pay for my mistake, so don’t you.  Be safe out there, we only get a few days in our life to fish.

Good Luck and Tight Lines. 


About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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