Redfish on Spinnerbait – a fun day.

I woke up this morning to nice leisurely 25 mph wind out of the southeast.  Since plans were made it was off to Keller Bay.  It was one of those days when just calling it a day, and crawling back in bed, seemed to be the best option, but I am sure glad we went anyway.

When we got to the ramp at daylight there was already 2 to 3 foot rollers.  My first thought was lets just wade on my favorite trout bank, but just decided to see if we could catch a few redfish.  Now I will admit that the last month or so for some reason I have just not been on them.  Trout have been good, but I just could not figure the reds out.

So we headed across the bay to the bank that had the least wind on it we could find.  The bank we started on has a nice flat area with shell and sand, that drops off into 4 foot plus.  There were bait fish moving as soon as we stopped the boat.  We first tried to go against the wind, but it was just to stout, so we went up the bank and let the wind blow us down it.

We were throwing right on the bank and wham, I caught one, then another on consecutive casts, and it was game on.  Letting the wind push us, and slow rolling the Strike King Redfish Magic, we caught them consistently.  I had Aaron down 7 to 1, payback for the other day on Coleto, but that would soon change.

And it began, this one turned out to be an over.

Aaron’s first over.

Those of you who read my stuff know how much I like that Redfish Magic for redfish.  And there are 2 reasons I throw it a lot, 1 is they just plain love it.  2, once they eat it they are on.  You lose very few redfish on it, they usually eat it, and once you get a hook in them they rarely come off.  In fact, we easily caught over 20 today and only lost 2, both of them my fault.  First one, I just had not checked my line, and as I would get hung up occasionally, and then catch several fish, it was inevitable that I would break my line setting the hook.  The other one I lost I figured no problem pulling him over that log, which was stupid with 10lb line, but oh well, when you are catching them you tend to do stuff like that.

This one just smoked it, and I wanted to let you see how close to the bank we were.

As far as using it, we were just throwing it up to the bank and reeling it.  Not exactly slow, just moving it along at a steady pace.  Most of them were not smacking it, you would just feel them eat it, or the blade would stop.  It was one of those days when if you felt something, and set the hook, you had one.   Chicken on the Chain was the best color, but after losing several baits, and having them tear the body off others, we learned it was more a matter of getting it in front of them.

The bank they were on had a shelf going out a good cast length from the bank, then dropping off into 4 feet of water.  And there was bait, and lots of it, and at times you could see them chasing.  The last month or so it has really become apparent, find the bait and find the fish.  I honestly believe that if you just cruised the bank and watched for mullet and glass minnows, you could just stop and catch them.

This was his second over, a really stout one who fought like the devil.

I managed to catch one nice flounder, who is headed for the grill tomorrow night, and Aaron caught 2 keeper trout on the spinnerbait.  When we first got to the the bank Aaron had a real good trout blow up on a Spook Jr, and then missed another, which turned out to be the only bites on topwater today.  We found that interesting as they were actively chasing bait, but oh well, feed them what they want.

We finally decided to hit another place and throw plastics for trout, which turned out to be a complete failure.  In fact, I think we might have had a couple of weak hits, but with a 4 foot bow in the line it was hard to tell.  By now the wind was really howling, and we decided that we were just not that mad at them, so we called it day.

 About to have a little surgery performed on them.  Here is your fish Aaron., but they are now residing in bags.

So our final keeper tally was a limit of reds, 2 trout, and 1 flounder.  Not a bad day considering the wind.  It was one of those days where there were not any gusts, it was blowing to hard.  But it just goes to show you, there is no better time to fish than when you can go, it is just a matter of making the best of what you have.

Thanks for reading my stuff and keep those comments coming.  And if you see those reds moving around, try that Redfish Magic, you will not be sorry.

Good Luck and Tight Lines.

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
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