Facebook, Strike King, and other stuff.

It has been another long week without getting in the boat.  I took my wife out for a few days on her birthday, and a great time was had by all.  Now my parents are here visiting from Arkansas.  They will be leaving tomorrow, so it is back on the water for me.


I have started a Facebook page to coincide with fishcatchingtravel.com.  I hope to have a few more readers find me and join the party.  As an “old guy” it is a little more time consuming to put this all together.  For God’s sake, I just figured out this texting thing a few months ago.  For me it has always been about the fishing, and it still is, but I am attempting to join the modern world.

Strike King

There was a nice development here at Fish Catching Travel, I met another fisherman who has a Strike King sponsorship, and he has hooked my up with some baits.  Now I have been using their stuff as long as I can remember.   If you have read my redfishing escapades you know that I use the Redfish Magic spinnerbait exclusively for redfish.  It is strong, runs well at both slow and high speeds, and casts like a bullet.  I am also a huge fan of their Flats Jig Heads.

There are 2 great things about the Flats Jig Heads, first, the barb is not to close to the head, allowing for good penetration into the bait, which holds it on so much better.  Second, and by far the most important, is the hook size.  There is nothing more irritating than those jig heads that have that hook with the narrow gap.  Strike King’s are strong and wide, and it helps.

I must admit that I have not tried their Rage Tail shrimp imitations yet, but that will come in the next few days, and I will report back to you on how it goes.  Of course I have used their Redfish Magic Soft Baits in  both the paddle tail and the Zulu on both spinnerbaits and on jig heads.  They are tougher than some plastics, and come in all the usual colors.

Last are the crankbaits, the KVD 1.5 and 2.5, and the Red Eye Shad.  What is there to say about the 1.5 and the 2.5.  They have been the hottest baits in the country, and they work, which says it all.  Just read any bass fishing page or reports in this country and you will see folks catching on Strike King square bills.  To go along with that, and I have written about it before, is their Red Eye Shad.  I love it, and it works, just ask those Falcon bass.  One of it’s best features is that it actually vibrates on the fall, and if you have ever seen it in KVD’s hands you know what a weapon it is.  So thanks to Strike King.

This Week

So off we go this week.  I will be hitting the water at least 2, and probably 3 times, this week.  I am just waiting to hear from a fishing partner whether he can do the 3 day thing at Baffin.  If not, we are about to see the last of the “winter” fishing, if you can call it that this year, and I still intend to catch a big trout.  So this week I will be waste deep in some bay, somewhere.  Now whether the plan will come together I do not know, but I just may hurt myself trying.

So thanks for your continued readership, I really appreciate every single person who reads my stuff.  So keep those cards and letters coming, and I will see you on the water.

Good Luck and Tight Lines! 

About Redfishlaw

I am a retired attorney who just loves to fish. I was a freshwater guide for about 20 years and now have moved to the salt. I am not the greatest fisherman, but I am committed. So if you love fishing, and want to learn what little I have to offer, stop by anytime.
This entry was posted in Bass, Fish Catching Travel, Freshwater, Gulf Coast, Random Thoughts and Blogs, Saltwater, Texas, Trout. Bookmark the permalink.

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