(Ads will return soon but these are my thoughts.  And I do not want to include them in my rants and politics.)

I am trying to keep the politics to a dull roar but there are just some things that need saying, especially with fishing season around the corner.  The weather here is beautiful, and spring is coming.  Of course, there will be another snow or two, but the days warm every afternoon, and the snow only hangs around a day or two.  The big snow blaster has only been used twice so it is headed to the shed.  And in the next week or two the boat is coming out and tomorrow I will be cruising the rivers and lakes to see where things are.  A rod or two will be in the truck.  I specifically posted this for you Texas hunters and fisherman to do a little reading.  Texas politics is always entertaining if it wasn’t so dang weird.  As per TPWD, who does that?


Her First 5k.

The Boss was so excited about her first 5k but the day before it snowed 8″.  When we got up that morning the roads were awful, but she was committed to the cause.  So we took off for an interesting 30 mile drive and then she walked it in a snowstorm.  I am so proud of her and to the rest of us, get off the couch and do something.  Good for your health and good for your soul.


Educate Yourself – Read the Link

I should not say I told you so….I am not clairvoyant but……..

Hey there Doug check out this website out of Waco Texas. Scroll down about halfway through it and you will see an article about Waco representative Pat Curry. He is the one that has filed the bill to abolish Texas parks and wildlife. The devil is always in the details. Thank you again for all the years of great reading. https://immadtooharry.com/

This is what is wrong with Texas politics.  Told you last post he might be a butt hurt deer breeder.  TPWD has ignored the CWD issue by deflecting and continuing to expose the deer.  And once they took just a little action here they come.  Every state has their own problems, but this is beyond stupid and if you let this kind of thing go you deserve what you get.  I have been critical of TPWD’s stand on captive deer breeding and CWD but this is beyond the pale.


Time for Isreal to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth.  No more negotiations, end this scourge.  And as far as the Columbia protester who has been arrested by ICE I do not know the specifics or legality of his detention which is to be determined, but I do know one thing.  What did that self-righteous numbskull expect?  Support of Hamas is support for murderous rapist terrorists, end of story.  So good luck Dude, hope you like living in Gaza if you lose in court.  Funny how when the time comes his support for Hamas will fold when faced with living there.  Real backbone.


To Iowa farmers who are whining because of the tariffs – He screwed you last term and you still voted him back in.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  And just like last time we the taxpayers will end up bailing you out.  And for the VA worker in Iowa City who is crying over his job loss, tough luck he told you what he was going to do.  And to the lady with diabetes and other medical issues who voted for him and now may lose it all, to freakin’ bad.  Same goes for Vets who voted for a draft dodger or the retired who voted overwhelmingly for him.  At what point do you admit you were duped?  And now you want the Democrats to fix it and send you the money?  My sympathy level is hitting rock bottom.  Either you are just plain stupid, or you did not take the time to really understand what he planned to do and now we are supposed to feel sorry for you.  Voting is not only a right, but a privilege and we all have a duty to really understand who we are voting for.  What’s that new saying going around?  F’ around and find out.


Following the passing of my mom my daughter said it way better than I ever could.


My grandmother, Sue Coppernoll, left us Monday. She was surrounded by three of her five children when she died peacefully at home. She was 91. It was the worst loss in the best of ways.
She had biological children and grandchildren, but everybody was kind of her kid. If my grandma knew you, she loved you. She was proud of you. (She really was.) If you went to college, she remembered your major and where you went, and she affixed those facts to any introduction, even if she was just mentioning who she saw at the store. She graduated high school at 16. She had many job titles in life, but really, she was an artist all along. Her real name was Willie Faye, but she went by Sue. She also had a pseudonym: Starburst. She cooked bacon first so she could use the grease to make the eggs. She (very generously) believed you knew as much about art history as she did, and you most definitely did not. If she was laughing, she was clapping. If she was rolling her eyes, she was doing a prolonged, inhaling snort. She was born at the dawn of fascism in Europe. She was angry and worried about what is happening now. She read continuously. She joined the big extended family at an Arkansas basketball game — her first game in 30 years — and she bragged, “I didn’t even bring a book this time.” She read the newspaper every day, on her iPad in recent years. She taught writing classes, even past 90. She was one of the first public school sex education teachers in America and worked for Planned Parenthood before I was even born. She once made a hole-in-one! She used her real silver and real China every day, and she’d remind you beauty doesn’t require a special occasion. She had no time for dogma but plenty of time for cats. She was imperfect; she was perfect as she was.
Something else that’s important to understand about my grandma: It’s impossible to be in her family tree and not be a feminist. The world wants to own women at every stage of our lives. The world has opinions about what we ought to do with our bodies and our time and our words, as girls and teens and young women and adults and even as we reach our twilight. The world creates cages that Sue spent her whole life — her whole life — dismantling. For herself and for others. In giving herself to the world in that way, she never belonged to any of us (even when we may have wished she did for moments here and there). She truly belonged to herself. May we all belong to ourselves and to the world. Thank you for what you gave us all, Willie Faye.

And just maybe it is why I am so outspoken.  She was a fighter and stood up for her beliefs.  Many more of us should be like Sue.  Thanks Mom.  RIP.


We have been a little busy lately.  (How does that happen we are retired.)  But tomorrow it is back to chasing animals and getting ready for the fishing season.  What little I have seen of the river looks like I should be able to find some open water.  And a trip to teh sheep and maybe a moose is also coming.  I really appreciate those of you who comment it lets me know good or bad you are out there.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Dusk to Dawn……….3/17/25.



Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

Dusk to Dawn

As we headed to Joshua Tree National Park from Laughlin Nevada on the interstate it was time for a stop and some coffee.  There is no other place for 100 miles so we stopped.  The place was called the Oasis and it is a dirty dusty stop literally in the middle of nowhere.  In the store was a sketchy long haired dude and his old German Shephard.  Not anothe soul in sight.  If you have seen the movie you know what I am talking about.  And here is the punch line.

And the sign at the door said it all, and I paraphrase:  We are 100 miles from nowhere so don’t bitch about the gas price.

Suffice to say we used the facilities and got some coffee and hit the road before the vampires got us.  As a side note they had a wrecker service there and a big truck pulled up.  When we got a few miles down the road there was a semi on it’s side sitting off the road.  It had obviously been there a while and there was no cops.  Just another day crossing the desert.  Also answered why next to the station there was a semi graveyard.  Never a dull momoment traveling.

The park entrance.

Being the big park fans we are we were looking forward to visiting.  As it was the start of spring break in many places we knew it would be busy but before the morning was out it was nuts.  With LA only a few miles out no wonder.

Not sure but we have spent some time in the desert and this is the only place we have seen these.  Amazing.

It really reminded us of some of Big Bend.  There are sheep there but the guy at the visitor center had lived there for 32 years and only seen them once.  But after the world showed up no wonder.  If I was bighorn I would hide too.

Headed up sheep pass.  Not a sheep in sight.

It is about a 30-mile drive through the park and as the morning wore on more and more folks came.  When we excited the park the line waiting to get in was over a mile long.  To make matters worse, though what has been going on with the firings has the employees petrified to talk for fear of repercussions, one guy said 6 Park Rangers had been fired so far.  With the number of folks there, it was bumper to bumper when we left, nothing like reducing the Rangers.  Our parks are going to be a free for all which will lead to the phony justification to sell them and the rest of our public lands.  A crisis is coming, trust me.

The geology of the park is amazing.

The park has some interesting rocks, bluffs, mesas, you name it.  Folks were climbing all over stuff and there are plenty of trails.  Most of the parking areas were filling fast.  One thing I have never understood is if you are visiting the park why the hell are the tourons speeding?  You can not really enjoy or take in all the parks have to offer at high speed.  The lack of rangers will only make it worse.  So sad.

The iconic Joshua Tree.

It was worth the drive but also made me sad.  Our country is blessed with so much public lands and parks and this weekend proved it.  We ended up driving in Colorado, Arizona. New Mexico, Utah, and maybe one or two more.  Being the beginning of spring break folks were on the move.  Whether desert public land, parks, monuments, sites to see there were folks enjoying the outdoors everywhere.  The effort to shut it down does not involve a few folks but thousands of businesses and small towns supporting our lands.  Since apparently maga does not care for facts I will not repeat the truth, but what we spend on these places is returned x10.  So short sighted and just plain not fiscally responsible.  But hey the 2 folks responsible for it have never hiked in solitude, slept in a tent, smelled the fire or made smores.  (Much less the Boss and I paid HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in taxes more than both Trump and Tesla combined paid the last few years.  Guess we are the suckers who got screwed.)  Glad I am old, but I hope for my grandkids sake this will pass.

And the Travel Turned Out to be Interesting to Say the Least.

In the middle of nowhere.  Got to love their marketing so get ready Western America the Beaver is on the way.

And here is one of the more interesting signs on our travels.

Wonder Valley

Crossing the desert in the middle of nowhere we came across this sign.  It reminded me of Lou Holt and his firing at Arkansas.  When he appeared on Johnny Carson he was asked about Fayetteville, and he said:  It is not the end of the world, but you can see it from there.  And he was promptly fired.  So at the point we had to look it up and what an interesting story.

In the late 50’6 and early 60’s the state basically said if you come and build a house or business you can have 5 acres.  Folks swamped there and thousands took advantage of the offer.  Now there are a few small structures scattered around but thousands have been demolished.  Free desert land sounded great until you actually had to live there.  There are a few left with the occasional artist and back to the landers left.  This is an amazing country and we intend to see as much as we can and are able.


So the plan, get up Saturday morning and hit the road to return home.  We headed down to Kingman to get on I40 but on the GPS it looked closed.  When we stopped to get gas the lady told us semi’s were trapped on I40 and folks had gotten killed.  No wonder it was closed for 100 miles, turned out it was a blizzard and they were threating arrest if you tried to get on.  To get back to Colorado there is only so many ways to go, the southern alternative route was all over the place, the northern route was interstate to Vegas.  We choice that route.

Turned out we went in and out of Arizona, Utah, Neveda, then New Mexico.  Took a bit longer but worth the drive.  Then today we learned a friend of ours who drives a truck was also stuck in the same area.  Looks like he missed the snowstorm but was stranded due to the sandstorm we saw the same day.  One thing we learned this trip was just how vast some of the areas really area.  In the end that is what makes them so amazing.

One interesting thing was on the way out of Colorado we saw a bunch of elk and deer.  Then 1500 miles and not a one.  Last night on the way in we saw at least 100 elk in 5 different places, much less the usual random mule deer.  One of the big reasons we moved here and as usual were not disappointed.


I am sure some of you think my ongoing rants on the potential theft of our public lands is misplaced.  Ok, try this on for size.

Nevertheless, the White House told The Washington Post that it planned to eliminate two national monuments in California that were established by Biden at the end of his tenure.

These monuments are the Chuckwalla National Monument and the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument, which protect a combined 848,000 acres of particular significance to Native tribes in the region.

This is just the beginning, they said it was to open drilling and business.  They are still laying folks off in the parks and public land bureau and opening up the national parks to logging.  Not sure what else I can say but the assault continues and it is just not right.



To those that thanked me for my last post I appreciate it.  Not because I think I am right but that you responded with a legitimate comment.  No what about the other guy, you better shut up this is Texas, or yelling over that dumb ass Rudy.  I am not against the exchange of ideas, only those that are not fact based.  And speaking of Texas……



Some representatives from Waco Texas just introduce legislation to disband TPWD and split it up into 3 or 4 different unrelated departments.  While Texas is in my rear-view mirror all I can say is WTF.  Who is this guy and what is his motivation.  Is he butt hurt for some reason?  Stupid?  Maga mad?  What is he up to and why?  A deer breeder?  Connected rich guy?  If you live in Texas and you are not concerned and wondering what this is really about do it at your own risk.  This is just plain nuts!


My mother passed away peacefully at home yesterday at the ripe old age of 91.  Some of the kids were there and plans are up in the air.  So on that note I will end this post.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines

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OMG all the way around. 3/5/25.



Strutting their stuff.

While spring is nowhere near here in Colorado the turkeys are in full strut.  Their breeding colors come on so fast.  It seems like one week they are a drab bird and as you can see they are in their glory.  This show is everyday right outside our window.


Texas Game Wardens Bust Illegal Deer Operations Across the State

I am no Nostradamus but those of you who read this know I have been complaining about captive deer breeding facilities in Texas for years.  Now (Finally?) TPWD wardens have made major arrests for some serious violations.  The list is to long but here is the link, please read it.

News Releases – TPWD

And shocker of all shockers, sarcasm added for free, it seems the investigation was triggered by the Chronic Wasting Disease investigation.  Now do not get me wrong this is not a complaint about wardens, I am a big supporter and am thrilled what they have done.  My problem is the state letting deer breeding continue once the initial case of CWD was found.  It should have been shut down that moment over the whole state.  Either it is “Wildlife Department” or for the monied interests.  The proof is in the pudding we are talking at least 1200 charges and multiple arrests.  And I am really waiting for the release of all names and charges or is there some reason they don’t do release it.   This is the time for complete and open disclosure.  There is a reason they thought they could act like this and it makes no sense for TPWD to cover for them by not releasing all the names.

When I read the director say these folks were operating with impunity whose fault is that?  Whose back was turned?  Anybody on the commission do a little deer hunting?  He claims hunting is a $9 billion industry in Texas but was willing to risk letting CWD overtake the herd.  Me think you speak with forked tongue.  Here we are, CWD is in the herd in places, and folks broke the law with impunity further endangering the herd.  But the state decided to let the practice continue for years even with CWD in the herd and folks operating like the wild west.  Sorry buddy, this is on you.  Who else let them operate with impunity?

Just for fun I looked up the definition:  Impunity is the ability to act with exemption from punishments, losses, or other negative consequences. So in other words you let this happen.  Thank God for the wardens who do not have an agenda other than protecting our wildlife.


It Begins

Sorry but the very thing I have constantly harped on is getting more real by the day.  Cutting National Park staff along with public lands folks is the precursor to the takeover.  Think it is not going to happen?  Yesterday the administration removed almost every environmental rule that protects our National Forests.  Indiscriminate logging is coming as they open up the parks for exploitation by commercial interests.  And do not kid yourself this is a blatant effort to take our public lands owned by you and me and first desecrate them then use it as the justification to sell to the highest bidder.  Often called mission creep, it is happening incrementally and, in the end, the most important and valuable resource in this country will be divvied up between the rich and the folks who sat back and let it happen will be wondering just what happened. Sad.


IOWA  –  Are you that stupid and mean?

If I see one more Iowa farmer on the news whining about trump and “their” checks being stopped I will throw up.  As a group you voted for him in spite of the fact he screwed you last time then we the taxpayers were left footing the muli-billion-dollar bill to prop you up.  One group on the news all said they voted for him.  Well, the only logical conclusion is you are stupid or were too dumb to know a con man was going to scam you, again.  Fool you once shame on him, fool you twice shame on you.  He told you this was coming and you went blindly to the box and screwed yourself.   But not a farmer in the group took responsibility for the results.  So in the end we will probably have to bail you out again.  And if that does not happen, too bad, but quit whining, you did this.

Transgender and nonbinary Iowans will no longer be shielded by state law from discrimination in housing, employment, education and more after Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law Friday removing gender identity as a protected class in the Iowa Civil Rights Act.

And speaking of Iowa you should be so proud of taking away protections that all people should enjoy from children who are trans.  Real Christion of you, real tough beating up on children.  Good to know children will be put in their place and open to outright discrimination and harassment.  Hope you went and kicked them out of church while you were at it.  What did my trans granddaughter do to you?  I love you Ben but stay out of Iowa, they wish you harm.  Fucking hypocrites.


Putin is a murderous animal and never in my wildest dreams would we be siding with him.  Maga loves conspiracy theories so here is one for you to consider.  The day Trump won the election Russian state tv put up the soft-core nudie porn pictures of Melania for all to see.  You know the nudie soft core lesbian stuff.  So think about it, why would they do that?  Probably as a warning to Trump that they have the “famous” tape and he better knuckle under.  Why else would this have happened?  A normal husband would be pissed.  The fix is in.   I support Ukraine over a bone spur draft dodger.  And Trump saying you don’t have the cards made me sick.  They are not playing cards they are fighting for their life after a scum bag dictator invaded them after breaking over 20 accords.  This is turning into bizzarro world.  And according to Eric Trump: “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”


The big ads on the site will not return in deference to their business and political views. They did not ask but it is the right thing to do now.  For the time being this is my blog and I will say what I want.  All I hear from folks now is my 1st Amendment right, which they really do not have a clue.  But if you believe that then you should support my right so speak my mind.  At this point in my life I am entitled to speak my mind.  If you do not like it please move on.  America is built on freedom to speak your mind.  But the blog will be back to “normal” as things settle down.  And with the weather about to turn fishing is coming and I cannot wait.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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The Great Outdoors. 2/23/24.



Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Happy Birthday Buddy

It has been a pleasure to watch the Boss enjoy her retirement.  I was not sure that a woman who missed about 4 days of work in 40 years would adjust.  Wrong!  We are having the time of our life and I can not imagine life without you.  So happy birthday let the fun continue.  You earned it.

Our Backyard.  A great view of the San Luis Valley and the Rio Grande River.

We took a hike up the mountain behind the house today.  With the backyard butting up against the National Forest there is as much mountain as you care to walk.  The weather has been really nice and we are happy to take advantage of it.  A couple of days ago we headed north to see what critters were out and about and they sure were.

The sheep were out and about enjoying the warm weather.

With the good snow we had last week with some cold temps I figured the sheep would be farther down and they were.  We saw several bunches in the usual spots.  As it continues to warm our chances to see a moose and some migrating elk should increase.  We feel blessed to have these guys in our life and never get tired of watching them.

Way up on the mountain.

We still see you.

A beautiful animal.  Love me some Bighorn Sheep.

Getting ready to jump the fence.  Plenty of room to grow he will be a hoss.

And I have always been amazed at the number of coyotes in Colorado.  You have to be quick to catch them on film.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Tomorrow the fishing “work” begins.  First to the bank for the trailer and hull title for the boat.  Then to the storage building to pick up the boat.  Back to South Fork to empty whatever is left over in the boat from the move.  Plenty of tackle and fishing stuff that needs to be sorted and organized.  While at the house charge the batteries, check the hubs and air the tires.  Next the police station to get the trailer inspected and the vin confirmed.  From there to Del Norte for the trailer plates at the DMV office.  When that is done it will be off to Monte Vista to the wildlife office to get the boat numbers.  While there as long as I have the boat with me will get it inspected for invasive species and the tag put on so the minute it is fishable in the water it goes, hopefully in about a month I can pull it out of storage for the rest of the year.  This project will take a couple of days but the time has come.  I have taken a little break from the fishing but that is about to change soon.  With the weather warming dramatically the last week or so cracks in the ice on the river have begun with occasional reports of some soft ice on the lakes.  Let the fishing begin.


We are going to check the small creek I like to fish close to the house.  Technically a tail water most of what ice was there should be gone and how knows, maybe I can catch a few on the long rod.  I got a little heads up on how from the fly shop in Pagosa Springs.  A real fly shop he is always happy to answer questions and has the tying supplies so that is a big help.  I am such a rookie at tying but after the fishing tackle organizing this week will sit down and tie some of what works for me.  This part of it is a whole new adventure in the fishing department.  And this year I intend to fly fish the lakes some out of the boat.  When they are on the rise it is easy to see where.  Just have to do some research on that one.  Spring is on the way so let the fishing begin.  So keeps stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Birds and More 2/19/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


There are still plenty of bucks around and we have not seen any with a dropped horn yet.   But it did remind me of a trip where we spent 4 days with a group that included a couple of retired teachers who were just plain pompous assholes.  When I said something about horns, she immediately corrected me that deer have antlers.  Duh, come on I did not miss that day in school.  She was the kind of person who should head to a South Texas bar and when the good old boys are talking about a fork horn she should interrupt and instruct them they are wrong.  See how that works out for her.  Sorry lady, they are not a little fork antler.  That just sounds stupid.  I let it slide but now that I am older and don’t give a shit what you think about me, I should have called her what she was.

We see this guy a lot.  While not a giant he is a beautiful animal.


A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Sandhills

We happened to be driving by Monte Vista and saw a Sandhill Crane or two in a field and had heard they were starting to arrive.  Monte is known for its big Sandhill festival coming next month so we headed to the refuge.

Sandhill Cranes.

On our drive through we saw a few so we went over to a viewing area off the highway where we have seen lots of them in the past and it turned out they have started to arrive.  We rolled down the window to listen to them, they are highly vocal.  The Boss got out the bino’s and the following came out of her mouth – Look past them!

They return every year to the Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge.

And there they were, at least a hundred plus elk.  (Not a “horn” in sight.)  It was a huge heard wintering on the refuge.  So you will know why the pics are not the clearest it is hard to estimate how far out both of them were.  At that point we could have cared less.  Even though they were literally hundreds of yards out we made them nervous.

Hard to believe.  Hundreds of Sandhills with a huge herd of elk behind them.  In this picture there were lots of them on both sides that would not fit in the pic.

Since we have been here we meet folks who have never seen a moose, a bull elk, a bear, and on and on.  Wish I could say we find them due to a deep knowledge of their habits but that would be a fib.  We see stuff because we constantly go where they are and take the time to look.  A perfect example was today. if we did not have the good binos today we might have missed one cool experience.

Sorry they are a little fuzzy but hard to get in everything including the mountains 10 miles away.  The point is how could you not like this view.

Often my photographic skills are a little lacking, I think it is because I get a little greedy.  This is the wide-open space of the San Luis Valley which is surrounded by mountains.  The same ones that we love to explore.  Today was amazing and one thing you can say about Colorado, keep looking they are out there.  So hopefully next time the pictures will be better, I can guarantee there will be a next time.


Turkeys are Weird

We see them by the dozens daily.  They squabble, fight, run like maniacs and just plain act a fool at times.  This morning while making my oatmeal as usual I look out the window to see what is going on right behind the house, you never know.

May be an image of grouse

This guy was full of himself.  Taken from the kitchen sink.

May be an image of grouse

It is not quite time for this but he persisted.

May be an image of grouse

Before it was over 4 or 5 were strutting their stuff and some smaller jakes were hassling each other.  Sorry boys it is not quite breeding time.

Having them around it is interesting to watch their interactions.  This normally means breeding season is on but it definitely is not time yet.  It seemed more like the boys were doing some kind of dominance thing.  Not sure but I cannot wait for the real action to begin, if you like big toms in full strut.  We sure do.


Over 1,000 Fired – Funds Cut

Our public lands and parks are in more danger than even I thought.  Over the last several years I have written about the danger facing OUR public lands.  Now with the sweep of the pen over 1,000 national park workers have been fired.  Hard to even calculate what is to come as the season for visitors begins.  Filthy rest rooms, trash not picked up, decrease in public safety and the list goes on.  (The real reason for this, a manufactured justification to steal OUR lands.)  When covid happened folks really began to return to the outdoors and subsequently our parks are being visited like never before.  That is a good thing.

It is estimated that the parks support 45,000 jobs with $55.6 billion in economic activity.  It will devastate the local communities that provide the services required hurting them and the visitors.  Many projects and programs are in jeopardy with the cuts.  But the weirdest of all is just inexplicable.  With bipartisan support The Great American Outdoor Act authorized $6.5 billion to update our parks which was badly needed.  That was in 2020 and it was signed by who?  Trump.  WTF?

This is the worst idea yet.  This is so short sighted and will not come to a good end. So remember next year, or next week who knows, when they propose to sell our lands, I told you so.  This is not all about saving money it is the precursor to the big rip off.


On the fishing front there is little patches of open water showing on the river and several of the lakes have some pretty soft ice.  So with the weather headed to the high 50’s Monday and Tuesday time to get the boat out of storage and get it licensed.  Will take it home Monday and charge batteries and take the remaining stuff from the move out.  I stopped by the game and fish office to see what I needed to do, and to make sure I could get it inspected which is a requirement for bringing a boat into Colorado.  The lady asks why now?  I need the trailer inspected and then to the motor vehicle office so was trying to accomplish it all and be ready for ice out.  Like all states everyone has their hand out.

While there I asked about the zones and how that works for hunting license draws.  Then the bad news – My backyard is one of the toughest draws for hunting mule deer in the state.  It might take me 3 – 4 years to draw, hope I live that long.  Will just have to see how that works out but seeing all these mule deer everyday makes me hungry.

Other than that just living the life.  The Boss occasionally says – “Are we on vacation?”  Yes buster, we live and breathe vacation.  So, keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

First off I am no financial guru by any means.  The only thing I know about that is save some money or you will end up broke.  But I have read the following advice from multiple gurus online and while we are all entitled to our opinion, I can’t resist sharing mine.

When the question of getting to the point in your life where you can either pay off your house or invest the money they often tend to say keep investing.  They cite the interest difference as the big advantage.  Well, they are number people who like their commissions, but they are far from understanding the real benefit of paying it off.  Peace of mind.

If you ever find yourself in that position pay off your house, end of story.  The feeling of comfort and stability is worth every penny.  You don’t worry about that investment.  It is comforting to know you have a place to live no matter what.  If you invest the money you get to worry about it, afraid some lunatic politician will screw it up, or a financial depression or bad investment advice will eat up your money.  In the end those sticks will always be there.  Makes it really easy to sleep at night.


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On A Little Break 2/12/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I never get tired of this view.  West from Wolf Creek Pass.

I can finally say we are settled in.  Got the other truck Colorado licensed, our DL’s, received the deed to the house, dealt with the social security people, and all the other things required to be old and move.  And of course, there are the little things to learn about living in a really small almost isolated town.

The mail is spotty with plenty of folks in the valley complaining about how long things take and the somewhat random nature of delivery.  And it seems we have a couple of electrical outages every year including one this morning.  Rarely does it last but since we have a gas fireplace in the living room it is nice and toasty.  Another “disadvantage” of living in a really small town is the limited places to eat, which is probably a blessing as we don’t eat out like we used to.  Compared to other places we have lived the few small inconveniences here do not even come close to living in “town”.  I could go the rest of my life not driving on the interstate through a big city.

I haven’t written in a while as we have been taking it easy and getting things done.  But the fishing is just a couple months away here and I will be posting my usual amount.  I will be sure to drop a pic of the snow coming this weekend, it just might be something,



Just got an alert from the local PD that several mountain lions were observed prowling around South Fork last night.  Just maybe the town is full of deer, number 1 in their dinner list.  You gotta love living in the woods.  We look at it this way, they were here first.  Same with the wolf reintroduction.  Then when the Boss opened the window yesterday morning a big coyote was trotting down the street.  Suffice to say we love it here!


A Cripple Creek morning at 10,00 feet on a lovely Colorado day.

We spent a couple of days in Cripple Creek combining the Boss’s coming birthday and Valentines Day.  (There happens to be a Golden Nugget casino and for some inexplicable reason they sent us 2 free nights, so happy to go.)  A few hours from here it is a classic old mining town full of casinos.  Most are small and a legacy to the wild west.  They are basically the financial lifeline for the town and folks were friendly.  Interesting place.

A few miles down the road, actually the end of the line, is the town of Victor.  It still has a couple of huge gold mines operating and some really cool old houses.  We found the only restaurant in town, who does not like biscuit and gravy.  We missed Rita the Rock Planter as we did not know she was there.  Will not miss her next time.

There are others in Colorado so will be sure to add them to the future list to see.

Rita the Rock Planter – Wikipedia

 We did manage to see a couple of elk but couldn’t get stopped in time.  The morning we left it has snowed 3″ which is no big deal minus the curvy roads.  It was really cold and the roads were snow covered so we did not see much for the first couple of hours.  As it warmed we saw elk, sheep, deer, coyote and 2 eagles.  It just did not work out for pics but with the weather change coming we will be back chasing.

It is supposed to snow around a foot the next few days and it will have the sheep and elk down.  And maybe a moose who knows.  The area really needs the snow so hope it comes.  To go along with that the wind is on a terror right now blowing 40 -50.  If it wasn’t for that it is still nice here in the mountains.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Hope those of you in the Houston area will head to the fishign show this weekend.  Be sure to visit Michael at the Knockin Tail booth.  He has several new things in the line and the shrimp looks killer, to go along with some good deals on Knockin Tails and jig heads.  Tim and Jason at the Wade Right booth have a new bag that I am excited to see.  Both these folks are local guys and they deserve our support.  Plus, nothing like looking at boats and a ton of other fishing stuff you may or not need as your wallet will dictate.


Today we are getting ready to hunker down for the snow to come starting tonight.  They have upped the potential to 30″ with winds to 50mph and colder than a weld diggers you know what.  So will start the beast to a snowblower as it will definitely get a work out.  Then be sure plenty of candles and flashlights, get out the snowshoes and just gemerally make sure we are as ready as can be in case we are snowed in for a few days.  But guess what?  That is what we signed up for.  And as soon as the roads are cleared it will be off to the Bighorn and Elk wintering areas.  So plenty of pics to come.  Thanks for stopping and reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

  1.  Alina HabbaBOOBado and Eyeliner Dude (Who would make me nervous at the urinal.) Vance need to turn in their law licenses.  Saying the Courts have no power over the executive branch and its orders is not only just plain nonsense but stupid.  I think it was day one in civics in the 7th grade where we learned about the separation of powers.  It is a check and balance on the power off all branches.  Do not let their gaslighting be your only source of information.  (Plus the orders challenged do far in court are now 10-1 against and it will continue.)
  2. If that raving lunatic President Not Elected Musk tells us one more time about the waste in the federal government I might puke.  Try this on for size.  The State Department has indicated they will buy 400 armored plated Tesla trucks at a cost of a bazillion bucks.  Hey, what about that getting rid of EV’s?  And speaking of ferreting out waste do you know that our government currently pays Musk $8 million a day in subsidies.  Educate yourself.  So now some South African dope taking lunatic is running much of our country.  I agree there is tons of dead weight and waste but this is not the way to go about it.  Plus my personal information is none of his business.
  3. Finally, one of the things being watched is President Trump has now “joked” about serving a third term as president FIVE times.  Just remember this, you never know.  Apparently, the constitution is just a suggestion.

UPDATE:  Right after I posted this and the word got out about the 400 Tesla tanks the contract was cancelled.  The press serves and important role and if this was not brought to light it would have happened.  Please think about it – If they were necessary and on the up and up why would they have cancelled.



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A LIttle Ice Action 2/2/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

The weather this winter has been something else.  While up north and in the really high country there is snow, here at 8,400 feet it has basically melted.  But it is absolutely stunning weather.  It will hit 60 degrees and looks like it will stay that way for a while.  So nice, but snow is the life blood of Colorado, much less the border and California.  All that water comes from somewhere, much of it here.  Our area is considered drought, and we need snow.  While we walked today the coats came off.  And that fancy snow blower on the porch is just taking up space.  There is only one thing good about the weather, the boat might come out sooner.


One of the things we love about Colorado is how much folks love the outdoors and as a group are healthy and fit.  When we saw the climbing festival was in Lake City we were excited to see it and were so glad we did.  It sure looked like big fun.

Just a small section of the climbing areas.

This is a small section of the ice wall.  They flood it from the creek every year and it is open to all.  All I have to say is how cool, and I wish I was 20 years younger.  The Boss and I did a high building urban rescue course and took folks off buildings, so we know how to get down.  Going up looks like another completely different operation.  I would do it in a heartbeat.  All climbers had a belay person supporting them at the bottom which obviously reduces the risk of dying.  The tiny figure at the bottom of the first pic is belaying for the little, tiny person halfway up.  These are one big ice walls.

All climbers had a belay person supporting them.  This was more a free climbing accent.  Belayed for safety but able to free climb with the existing anchors.   Way cool.


Just a few of the dozens of folks climbing.  It was fun and amazing.  As we walked and watched folks the Boss looked up and there was one crazy mofo.  It does not get any cooler than this guy.  First up how high he was.  The cable stretched completely over the entire canyon.  He did not use a balance pole and fell once but hopped back up and made the trip both ways.  We learned he does this all over the world and that was his practice run.

That would be him!

He fell once and it was something to see him hop back on a swinging cable.

How about a little perspective.  The only word I can think of – Stunning.

All I have to say, what a stud.  This was no bullshit high!

On our drive we went past San Cristobal Lake which I have fished before.  There were a few ice shacks and a couple of vehicles out on the ice.  The point is next weekend Lake City has another festival but on the frozen lake.  Whether just walking, snowshoeing, alpine skiing, or hell belly crawling, it does not matter.  All are welcome to traverse the mile course and indulge in a few cold ones along the way.  I keep saying it but Colorado is just plain cool.


As we headed back from Lake City way up in the mountains the Boss slowed down and here is why.

Feed Me!

She stopped and rolled down her window and this fox came right to the door.  It was near a busy trail and obviously has been begging.  This is why you NEVER feed wild animals.  When normally talking about habituation it is this, feeding animals so they associate us with food.  It does them no favor and in this case leads to getting hit by a car.

The bigger picture is Yellowstone where the animals are habituated in a different way.  They are so used to cars and people unless it is a Touron they go on about their lives.  Why I rag on photographers who tout their stuff with pictures from the park.  While great and manipulated the animals there are easy to find and photo.  Or as in one case a “pro” was feeding fox to get them close, that is not a wildlife photographer, that is a butt head.  A kid with an iPhone can do just as well.

As a side note we saw one on the way up, boy are they cool looking with their winter coats and stick out like a sore thumb when hunting in the snow-covered fields.  We did see one bunch of sheep on the way up but wanted to get to the ice climbing so did not stop.  But did not see them on the way home.


The Billionaire Land Grab Continues

In our travels we have experienced the hate (I will use that term for lack of a better one.) folks in some places have for outsiders moving into the area.  Our first experience was in Arkansas where folks “hated” the people from Chicago.  There is always that we don’t care how you do it there so don’t tell us how to do it here.  That attitude was prevalent as the city folks wanted to change the way the things were done in Arkansas.

The same thing has happened with North Carolina and Florida folks.  It happens here in Colorado with them not liking the California folks, same thing happens in Texas as more people migrate from California.  And there is a certain amount of those feelings for folks from Texas as they clash some with the residents here.  But now there is a real legitimate gripe here in Colorado with a billionaire oil man from Texas.

I have long hated high fence for multiple reasons and this dispute involves over 20 miles of high fence on his ranch here in Colorado.  His ranch covers over 100 square miles of what I call high desert including 20 peaks in the Sangre de Christo range.  There are plenty of issues including erosion, cut off of the elk and mule deer migration, including cutting off water holes along with a 20′-foot-wide swath cut through the forest.  Of course, it is highly complicated and over the last 4 years involves litigation.  It seems to be coming to a head soon with multiple stake holders involved.  Suffice to say you see very little high fence here other than at major elk crossings and highways.  The locals hate it and so do I.  As more and more access are being cut off by rich folks the high fence is a blight on the land.  It may be legal, but it is an indication of what the rich are doing to the outdoors.  Neither they or the current government cannot be trusted to do the right thing for citizens.  Is the final result in this country that the rich will own it all and folks are left with little?

Here is a link to one of the many stories available on this issue.  You decide what you think of it, but it goes without saying Colorado does not want to be Texas.

Colorado AG steps into battle over billionaire’s fence in San Luis Valley


The Land Grab Heats Up

The Trump administration in concert with President Not Elected Herr Musk sent out a letter to thousands of the part time seasonal National Park and Monument employees rescinding their summer work in our parks.  It will end in chaos as it involves thousands of workers.  No one to clean toilets, control traffic and crowds, maintain the parks, it will be a disaster.  Our parks, and I do mean OUR PARKS have exploded with visitors and can’t handle the crowds as it is.  So what next? You will hear the following: Look at how horrible it is so time to sell some of the land off or turn it over to the rich contractors who gave them money.  I hope I am wrong but stay tuned, it is going to be a real mess.  I do not understand how folks say you cannot trust politicians and then are ok with this kind of thing.


It is so sad what is happening to our country.  Billionaires are running the show and it will not turn out well.  The cash rush is on and it is going to be ugly.  So we keep taking our hikes, chasing animals and loving the outdoors. To the rest of the country, Good Luck you are going to need it.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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This and That 1/27/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Thought for the day.

“The new political gospel: public office is private graft.”

                            Mark Twain.


The Boss on our walk in the neighborhood.  The Rio Grande and mountains for miles.

As we reflect on our first full month here we could not have made a better decision.  It is a completely different lifestyle.  Small town, everybody knows most everybody, there is plenty to do even in the winter, and Colorado is much more to our liking socially and politically.  And this is our view no matter where you look, the wildlife continues to make our day with their constant antics and there is so much more to explore.

Part of the settling in has been a hassle.  ATT sucks, dealing with SSI and all that entails is ridiculous, and getting everything transferred has been work.  As the government and many companies have decided we do not need to speak with a real person it has been a job.  How folks who are not computer literate, or without help as they get old is so wrong. While I am totally against this nonsense of completely doing away with many federal departments some of them need to be reined in.  Many government employees have lost their way and forgot who they work for.  (I will say that all the local and state departments we have personally dealt with here have been a pleasure.  It is more laid back and unlike Texas they are nice and happy to help.  It is a different experience all the way around.)  But the hurdles have been jumped, and we are settled in and enjoying every minute of our new life.


The Big Boys were out and about.

Without major snow on the ground it has been different than last year.  The bucks are in the last stage of the rut but they are still trying. It is so interesting getting to watch them have at it.  We have some respectable bucks in the neighborhood and while not tame by any means they are willing to let you walk right by them as long as you don’t make any sudden moves.

But then so much for living in harmony.

And then right down the road these guys were not playing nice either.  Thought the rut was over.

Yesterday something scared the does and about 30 or so came running through the yard.  And the long beard turkeys are making a lot of noise for winter.  Turkeys are not nice to each other and their antics are hilarious.  With the forest right behind the house it will be time to start exploring my hunting options.  As the rules are somewhat complicated fortunately there is a wildlife department close so the resources are there to figure it all out.  Who knows, i just might get back to hunting.  And I am counting the days until the boat comes out of storage and the fishing begins.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


My buddy Clyde who while dealing with some serious medical issues the last few years has not let it stop him.  Unfortunately, it has caught up with him again and he is facing treatment that none of us wouldn’t wish on our worst enemy.  But he is one of the most resilient positive people around and will come through it with flying colors.  He is planning on visiting in June and I cannot wait to share all that the area has to offer.  Good luck buddy, we are pulling for you.


The administration has instituted a hiring freeze for the National Park Service.  That includes the seasonal employees many who were already slated to be hired.  There is a slimy dirty method to this insane madness:  Cause huge disruptions in the parks this summer so that either they can start selling off the land or shift the jobs to “private” (Read their rich friends.) contractors.  This is headed to an intentional massive land grab.  Keep your f’n hands off our public lands.  Trust me there is more to come on this front as they figure out more ways to steal our lands.


Congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs.  All the whining and complaining about them is all for naught.  They got it done without any alleged “help” from the refs.  To all you fans who are bitching about them how about this really simple way to handle it:  How about your team score more points than they do?  They are just plain good, end of story.  Should be a good Super Bowl as the Eagles are all that.


It is going to be a wondeful week around here and it looks like we might finally get some snow later.  So we continue on loving life.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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One Good Morning 1/22/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Our first South Fork bull elk.  Sorry for the blur something on the lens.

We headed out early chasing animals.  Obviously we left to early as it was 11 degrees and some areas higher up it was 12 degrees later in the morning.  They were just not moving whether in our old standbys or on a new high mountain road taking us well over 11,ooo.  With little snow so many more areas are accessible.  But we kept at it until 12:30 and the real jackpot was about 10 miles from the house when I looked over and all I saw was antler.

We have spent untold hours chasing stuff and while we have seen plenty of cows in the area, this morning we saw our first big bull elk.  He was in a place not easy to photograph, it did not take long before he finally got sick of us and crossed the road heading up the mountain.  He did have a little hitch in his get along on a rear leg but it did not slow him down.  One side benefit of the auto focus struggling we spent a lot more time just watching him.  While we have seen plenty in Estes and Yellowstone, this was our first real wild bull and with the lack of snow we were just blessed to see him.  They are one big, majestic animal.  Hopefully there are many more to come.

Though it was slow we kept after it.  If you want to see wildlife you have to keep at it, you never know.  While cold it was a beautiful day, we were able to get to some places we have not been before.  It is just amazing how many lakes are within an hour or so of the house.  A side benefit we found a couple of roads that have not been plowed so they were put on the summer to do list.  There is just something awesome about driving the divide.

2 of a pack of 4 on the hunt.

There are several big ranches with cleared fields on our north drives.  It has been a surprise how many coyotes are in Colorado.  Today was saw on earlier on our drive when we came across what turned out to be a pack of 4.  These photos are from way the heck out there, while one person shoots the other uses the binocs.  When we are this far away they usually do not run off, but they do watch us and ease away.

As the day starts to warm the mice and other small stuff comes out and the coyotes are on the hunt.

The 5-minute encounter with the bull elk made the day.  In our ongoing chase it never ceases to happen for us at some point.  Sometimes it is easy, others it just does not pan out.  But when you see a lion in the wild, a big bear or bull elk it is all worth it.  This winter has been different with the lack of snow in this part of the state, the wildlife is acting different, but you just have to adapt, they are out there just not where you might expect.


Squirmy Worms

There is nothing like getting a surprise package and I got one today.  The very proficient fly tier+ the Mad Aggie is at it again and I am so appreciative for the worms.  Actually, it has been the most consistent fly for me since starting this fly-fishing journey.  The time to start my own fly tying in anticipation of spring is about to begin.  After making bass baits over the years fly tying is on another level.  But having caught a fish or two on my own hand tied flies it is very rewarding.  So, thanks Rusty they will get a workout.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Snow for you but not for us!

It has not snowed much at our house so far this winter.  Hey Victoria, how about that weather down there?  That is crazy.  The 16 years we were there it flurried once.  Hope the grid held up as they promised it would.  Good luck with that.


We are basically hunkered down nice and warm in our little house.  The Boss hits the road for a big hike daily, I am generally doing my treadmill, nice to have heat and TV in the garage but occasionally join her when it is a little warmer.  The cold front was a bruiser but it is back to warm afternoons, we are just wondering if it will ever snow down here.  When we have not had the snow blower of the snowshoes out yet tells you how dry it is.  But some of the biggest snowfalls are yet to come.  Plus I am counting the days until ice out.   SO keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff,

Good Luck and Tight Lines



I just watched a violent criminal throw a fire extinguisher and hit an officer in the head during the January 6th riot.  I can live with pardons for nonviolent offenders from that day, but it makes me want to puke watching law enforcement being assaulted and then them walking away with nothing.  How hypocritical.  Many of the folks I represented in the past who assaulted police basically received prison in the 5-year range.  So now violent police assaulting defendants are walking away scott free.  Do not tell me you support the Blue and you are ok with any violent felon getting a pardon/commutation from any president.  So don’t get your panties in wad about some of Biden’s pardons, they have both taken it way too far.  (Whataboutism is always the argument used by those who have no argument, and what some of the scummiest defendants I represented tried to use as they whined, what about that other guy.  That is not point of this question.)  So, stick to the point – Are you ok with folks beating police or not?  It is a simple question.


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Random Thoughts 1/20/25.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Settled In

The San Luis Valley in all its splendor.

This was taken on a mountain close to the house, and it was not even at the top.  Looking east this is the San Luis Valley.  Stretching around 60 miles it is completely surrounded on 3 sides by the Rockies.  To go north, west, or east you have to go over a big high mountain pass and cross the divided.  From our house headed east to Alamosa, the nearest big town, it is 45 miles of flat and straight, with the mountains surrounding you as you drive.

The valley and mountains have unlimited outdoor recreation opportunties and we try to take advantage of as many of them as we can.  Now many of the high mountain forest service roads are closed and will be until Jume give or take a few weeks.  With our current lack of snow who knows.  But with 4 more months of possible snow it could change in a minute.  We are finally settled in and dealing with the last few things needed to move.  It has been a grind and our government from feds to local do not make it particularly easy.  But we have our new DL’s and are starting to get all our mail so guess we are finally residents of Colorado.


Everyday we are entertained by the local wildlife.  Just the other morning they flooded the yard like usual.  You never know what you will see outside the window and today it was full to the brim.  The following pictures are just a few of what was there.  They stretched all the way up the hill.  Can’t wait to fully explore my hunting options.

A small part of our resident menagerie.  20 foot out the kitchen window.

Pretty girl.


I would like to thank the city of Victoria for waking me up at 1:00 am to inform me that I could leave my garbage can out overnight.  This is a perfect example of what I was saying above about dealing with your government.  We closed out everything in Victoria but apparently the city folks in the garbage department are to freakin’ lazy to follow through.  I continue to be less than impressed on what we get for our tax dollars.  But hey, don’t let me break up your coffee break to do your job.


Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I have to admit I will miss not being at the Houston Fishing Show.  Michael with My Coast Outdoors will have some new stuff to debut as will Tim and Jason with Wade Right.  So while I will not be there be sure if you make the show hit them up and see what they have to offer.  Plus, there is always money to be saved so have a good time at the show.


While not a Trump supporter today is inauguration day.  He won fair and square, so I wish him and the country well.  My big concern is that raving lunatic fruitcake billionaire Musk having a big part in the future of this country.  So, watch and see how it goes.  The real question will be answered in 4 years:  Are you better off now than you were then?  One thing I am sure of, the billionaires will do better than us, man I hope I am wrong.  But I cannot wait for your repeated promise that today gas being cut in half, eggs $2, the end of the war in Ukraine plus the repeal of federal tax on my SSI.  Good luck President Trump, the ball is in your court.


It is cold here and will be for a day or two, hope you Texans are not freezing and the grid is actually doing what it is supposed to.  One thing you learn here, when the sun shines it warms up a ton during the day.  Amazing how a few thousand feet closer to the sun has such a great effect.  We are headed out for a visit to a local town noted for its wacko population so it should be interesting.  Colorado is so varied from topography to politics, it keeps it interesting.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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