Loving Life! 10/15/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It is so good to be back in the mountains.  The weather is beautiful, the aspens are in full color, and all is right with the world.  Yesterday after doing a few things around the house it was time to make a quick trip right down the road to check my brown trout honey hole.  Suffice to say it was all good.


Brown Trout Beat Down

This was a stud.

Since I have not gotten the fly rods out yet, that is going to happen as soon as I share this.  Though the river is down some it is not terribly low and it should be good with the buggy whip later today.

You can’t beat this guy for color!

Since I was at the “honey hole” it was the old standbys – small floating Rapala in the brown trout color and the hand tied olive jig.  Both produced in the usual order, catch a few on the Rapala until they get tired of it then back up with the jig.  It works like a charm.

They come in all sizes and colors.

It was 6 or 7 and as an average they were nice and the 3 above were solid.  It is so fun on 4lb line and a UL rod, they put up a great fight.  Today a couple exploded out of the water and put on a show.  It was everything that drew us here and when it is just right down the road from the house who could ask for more.

What in the Sam hell is this?  Turns out it is a white sucker.  Hate to say it but it fought like a bulldog, and I was disappointed it was not a brown.

I felt one on, never felt the hit, and the fight was on.  It stayed deep and bulldogged and I had visions of a really big brown.  As it headed into the net it was like what the heck is that?  So after a little reading it was a white sucker.  The mouth was obviously a sucker fish and apparently they are fairly common in the rivers.  On that note I called it a real success and headed back to the ranch.  Time to get the long rod out and have a go at it tomorrow.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Can I please finish my breakfast for God’s sake?  I guess not.

Every morning it is the parade of wildlife as the turkeys come down the mountain off the roost, and the deer just come from everywhere.  You can tell which turkeys roost together as they come in bunches headed to the feeding hot spot close to the backyard.  Every morning it is 20 – 50 as they pour out of the mountain.  But today it was nothing short of a mule deer extravaganza.

10 feet from the kitchen window.

Feeding under our windmill.

These were all taken while my breakfast got cold.  They just kept coming.  There were plenty of does and the bucks followed.  While they interact some the rut is not in full spring, but man were the bucks in the backyard.

Hey!  Did you hear that?

Looking for the girls.

These were all taken out the kitchen window.  I forgot the spare battery and charger for the good camera, so these were taken with a 200mm on the Canon, which is no downstream camera.  When all the action takes place feet from the house it will do.  Why having two is important, you never know what might happen, so it pays to be prepared.

Marking my territory.


Observing so many mule deer give me a chance to start recognizing individuals.  The does still have their young of the year with them and seems like most have 2 and unless one has adapted a spare there is one doe with 3.  And during all this one fawn had a serious case of the zoomies.  At first I wondered if it was being chased but after 3 back and forth trips it was just having a big time.

The boy showed up in force this morning.

A stud!  There were plenty of does this morning but I am horn obsessed.  

The last couple of mornings a buck who has been by himself as he walked up the hill.  He has an obvious limp on a front leg.  While not really bad it is nowhere as bad as the doe that was in the yard yesterday.  As she headed up the mountain she could barely put down a front leg.  It is a tough world out there and there is no way she make the winter.  In fact, as there were a couple of lion kills above the house last year she may not make the week.  But the circle of life continues, and it is my absolute pleasure to see it unfold right in front of my eyes.



Those of you who read this know that I am a big public lands guy.  I love the wide-open spaces for all to use, and if it is legal have at it.  So I am watching the Colorado ballot initiative where the state will vote to outlaw the taking of lions and bobcats.  In Colorado lions are game animals that have a season and require a tag.  The vote, and it only takes a majority to pass will outlaw any method. There is no debate that there are thousands of lions in the state.  The game and fish have not taken a stand, at least not publicly.  It seems to be based on nothing more than they do not want them hunted, no real scientific justification.  But that is what makes Colorado what it is, the vote for the wolves is a perfect example.  I would vote against it, but I have always believed that all the stake holders should have a say, so just have to see how it comes out.


I did not plan on posting today but decided to get these up before heading out.  First stop is the store to pick up some leaders for the fly rod, then maybe head to the lake and catch some supper.  We are so lucky to have scored this house.  The Boss kept an eye on our options for years and we could not have gotten any luckier if we tried.  So until she gets here next week I will run wild, I am one lucky guy.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Home Sweet Home 10/14/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

After a long haul with the trailer, the only time that will happen with our move, I am back in the Rockies.  My buddy Mike came over and helped me unload then finish the last few feet of gutter.  I spent the weekend getting things in shape, glad that there were no issues with the house.  While I expected none it was nice the heat worked the water was on and the only issue was the yard needed a little cleaning up.  But winter is on the way so that is done until next spring.

The Best Yard in the World.

Plenty of bucks around and now that I am done with the work time to chase the big ones.

The first morning here the Boss called on her way to work and as I was looking out the back windows like I do here comes a really big silver coyote.  He stopped and looked back down the mountain but before I could get the camera he was gone.  Living here is hard, every time you get up it pays to look out both front and back, you never know what you will see.

Necks are starting to swell but at least the last 2 days have not seen them rutting yet, but the weather sure is nice.

Lots of these medium sized guys around.

The bucks are still hanging together, at least they seem to be well behaved.  Just this morning on the way to turn in the trailer there was a bunch of deer, including does and bucks all together.  It looks like a big winter front is coming next week some time and I expect the action to pick up.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Our yard in a turkey factory.  30 feet out the back door.

They come through every day, literally dozens of them.  Unfortunately, in the morning they are backlit, but no complaints just love watching and listening to them.  

Right after talking to the Boss that morning here they came.  It was at least 50 plus coming down off the mountain headed to the neighborhood.  While it is illegal to feed them in Colorado tell that to the old folks here.  It sure makes the viewing awesome and it is animal heaven all winter.

Not too bad, nice and high.

A halfhearted rubbing.

Today I am going to get the fishing stuff organized then finish up a couple of things in the house before heading off to the river to check it out.  The Rio fishing is just for catch and release of the brown trout as far as I am concerned, so later I might head to one of the lakes to catch a little supper.  Then it is time to head north and see if the sheep are down.  It is good to be back, we are counting the days until the move is permanent.  Now that I am settled in it will be back to posting and can’t wait until next week when the Boss arrives.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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It ain’t easy…and not just the fishing. 10/3/2024.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


The last few weeks has been a real pain in my rear end.  The double vision thing was awful, and it seemed we had it fixed but things started going haywire again.  It has gotten to the point I can only drive with one eye open with the new glasses.  The Boss read that that the condition can right itself and maybe it has happened.  I am now wearing the old glasses and don’t feel like throwing up.  And of course, during that mess I got a real butt kicking flu.  Name an unpleasant symptom and I had it.  This getting old thing is the pits and definitely not for the weak.  The only option is to soldier on, so I decided to make a quick run to the lake this morning, it was tough, both the fishing and the eyeball thing.  At least back to the doctor next week to see what has changed and get ready to hit Colorado next week.  But for the next few days should be home bound unless something changes.  (Don’t mean to whine but it has sucked.)


68/94.  A mix of clouds and sun. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph.

Lake Level

9 days ago.  96.51 msl.     Today 96.23 msl.  (The slow steady decline continues.  It is about to drop past the end of the piers.  It could get ugly soon if we do not get some water.)

Bite Times

Major 7:34 am to 8:34 am.  (Right on, too bad it did not last.)


There was a light breeze as predicted when dropping the boat in at daylight.  The water color is clear as a bell down lake and has some real color up lake.  The temp ranged from 89 at the ramp to 82 way up lake so it has dropped just a hair.  But the real issue, the lake level is dropping fast, and at this particular water level some areas are super shallow.  Time to use your head while running, a few stick ups are coming out and some of the points are really getting shallow.

So just be a little careful as it continues down.  It is not looking good and could get interesting launching and running so just keep your eyes open.  And remember if launching a big trailer, the ramps do actually end with a drop off from the concrete.  If you drop off things break, and it is tough to get it back up the edge.  There were quite a few incidents with trailer damage our last low water year.  Hopefully GBRA will put the stakes at the drop but with them you never know.

Tired of this stuck at a couple of good ones phase.  This one was seriously lacking in the grocery department.

That all being said first up was a brush pile, which was in 15′ a couple of weeks ago and is now about 13′ deep.  There were fish on it but there was something going on, either they were not that interested or the trick worm was not on their menu.  Out of 4 bites not a one stayed buttoned.  In fact the only one that I got a good hookset and felt like it was coming was in the wood and just pulled off against something.  So at that point after messing the whole thing up time to make a move.

On the other hand this one was a solid.  Both smacked the spinnerbait.

Before we go on it is time to talk about wind.  The last month wind has been the ticket in most places.  The problem has been when it does not blow things gets real tough with the falling water.  There is plenty to know and learn about wind, but you don’t have to get all KVD about it.  Folks say this and that about it, but that is for the magazine writers and pros trying to sell you something so they can keep fishing while you work.  How about this rule, more often than not fish where there is some wind.  It is not rocket science and you don’t need $10k in electronics to get the job done.  Which leads me to this morning.

With it coming out of the NE there were only a couple of banks that had the good wind so that was where to start.  It took all of 5 minutes on the first place to put 5 in the boat, including the 2 above, on spinnerbait.  They were right, and I mean right on the bank, which had just a little scattered grass left with some stumps and good deep water nearby.  They were super aggressive and smoked it as soon as it righted itself off the bank.  That was the good news.

But as usual get them early.  From that point on I ran from the dam area to way up lake searching but there were very few places like that.  Unfortunately, the few places with good wind were way to shallow as some of the banks are really flattening out.  The fish now are deeper, and it takes the breeze and close proximity to deep water to get them up and biting.  And a few shad does not hurt anything so keep your eyes out for them flipping, it is always a good thing.  Of course I fished some deeper places with wood, but no luck as they had no wind.  One small did jump on the plastic at my magic tree but other than that it was hard to even buy a bite.

Since it was slower than dirt and my vision was acting up, I called it a day at 11:00.  A good indication of the quality of Coleto fishing is the complete lack of traffic.  There were maybe 5 boats or so out today and several were taking out when I did.  While the humidity is way down, which is a blessing, the truck said 88 degrees at 11:00.  I am going to whine, please cool off and rain some.  Our good winter fishing is right around the corner if the weather will cooperate.  Until we get out of this pattern I don’t expect any major changes in the fishing in the near future.  And if you do fish hope you do better than I have been doing.


More Sheep Fun

The world is full of coincidence, serendipity, and just plain whacky happenings and here is a perfect example.  Just one day after I gave TPWD the business on the blog over the “Super Sheep” my phone pings with a text from TPWD.  Trust me TPWD could give a rat’s ass about what I think so I knew it was not personal.  But once I read the text it made me laugh out loud.  Basically, it said take a chance on the drawing they do every year for a sheep hunt.  While I am not going to enter, I probably should.  Would it get any weirder than that?



The Boss and I can eat some oysters, and I love my shrimp.  So yesterday we scratched a little of that itch.

So freakin’ good!

Whether it is Big Bend, Corpus, or Padre we are on the do it one last time in Texas tour.  And obviously fresh sea food is one of those guilty pleasures we will miss.  Dockside in Greece, overlooking the ocean in Italy, mahi from rod to plate in Costa Rica, or fresh off the bottom offshore in Peru we have been lucky enough to sample some of the best.  But one thing is clear, nowhere does it get any better than Texas fresh off the boat seafood.  The oysters are whoopers, the shrimp big and firm, and the visual delight of the platters are up there with the best in the world.


Got the truck serviced and tomorrow it is wax day.  It will be a fairly quick trip to Colorado next week and will be back before the end of the month.  And if life works out it will be lots of winter fishing before we head out.  Next week it is back to the eye guy to try to get this nonsense straightened out.  Not sure when I will be back on the water but there is some animals and mountains in full fall and the pictures will be coming.  Plus a little fly fishing now that the pressure is done.  Fishing as many places as I have there is one constant, catch the fish there, when they want to be caught, make use of those perfect times, and never give up.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Off Topic

Why I love Being a Retired Attorney – You are an Idiot!

Trust me after doing hundreds of felony sentencings I have heard it all.  Some folks just cannot resist opening their mouth and inserting both feet, particularly the incredibly stupid.  Tina Peters the Colorado dimwit who was convicted of election tampering with county voting equipment and election records in the pursuit of the great election fraud lie is the poster child for clueless.  Just try acting contrite, it works.  And before you get your panties in a wad this is not about her politics but about her choices.

After the jury convicted her, she proceeded to do the following at sentencing: “In 40 minutes of remarks to the judge, Peters defended her actions, maintained her innocence, disputed the conduct of the trial.”.  First, do not defend your actions at sentencing, too late, that is what the trial was for and the jury found your actions to be felonies.  Second, once a jury finds you guilty you are then not innocent unless it is overturned on appeal.  Last, never dispute how the trial was conducted, which means you are basically telling the judge he is a shithead, which never has a great outcome.  Then she administered the coup de grace of stupidity – she had the gall to ask for leniency with no jail time on her conviction for 4 felonies and 3 lessors after trashing the whole process.  Of course, then she started crying.  So now she is doing 9 years as the judge did not even give her a turn in date as she was immediately taken into custody.  Hope she likes the penitentiary.  There is no fixing stupid and, in her case, she will have plenty of time to think about it.



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It Is Official. 10/1/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


It Is Getting Real

You have not heard much out of me for a while, we have been working and the sign is the result.  We have spent our time getting the house in better shape.  With the Colorado construction and the fixing here my construction days are coming to an end.  I have had enough of projects and am “projected” out.  Funny how many little things we all let go, until we don’t and selling the house is one of those times.

We had to vacate this morning for the first lookers.  It will remain to be seen when we finally get an offer, you never know.  When we bought this place it had been on the market for 5 or 6 months.  But when we bought the house in Colorado our agent did not even know it had just gone back on the market the day before.  After buying and selling a few in our life it happens when it does and there is no way to even make an educated guess.  But there is one thing carved in stone, we are out of here at the end of December.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


This Is What Is at Stake!

The guy in Montana who imported Marco Polo sheep DNA to clone super sheep has been sentenced to 6 months in federal prison for 2 felonies.  He will pay $24,ooo in fines and restitution and spend 3 years on probation.

The Lacey Act is a law that bans the trafficking of illegally taken wildlife, fish, or plants.

Ok TPWD the ball is in your court.  Not sure exactly what but some of the sheep/DNA/parts (Who knows.) were allegedly transferred to Texas buyers.  So read the statute above, seems in my limited knowledge it just might apply to buyers anywhere in the US.  They obviously knew what they were buying.  But whether or not, I have no delusion that TPWD will actually take any action.  They are apparently willing to endanger the native whitetail herd by letting commercial deer breeders continue to operate in spite of the ongoing spread of CWD.  Who knows, with the incubation period of CWD it may already be too late.  The thought of inaction leading to the input of a foreign gene into the native Bighorn population is unthinkable.  Many of you know how I feel about the Bighorn, just so majestic.’

My favorite animal to chase and photograph.  One of the great game animals in America.

The state has been shooting Aoudads in state and national parks for several years now. (Out of the mouths of 2 different TPWD employees to my ear.) They are threatening the native Bighorn over habitat, now just what we need is hybrid genes infecting the population which would be irreversible.  The state and private interests have invested millions in bringing back the Texas Bighorn and it would be incompetent and sad to endanger that investment.  And do not tell me we are not fore warned by the Aoudad.

Many states are tackling assorted invasive species and have come to the realization that importing exotics has just has not worked.  Much of the importation has stopped and many are being eradicated, unfortunately some not all that successfully.  Often the initial motives were pure or based on little science, but we are beyond that at this point in time.  The answer is simple, quit allowing the importation of any exotics.  Hunt down any of those “super sheep” brought to Texas and destroy them.  Nobody has to go to jail just get them out of here before it is too late.  When it is all said and done the money interests run the show so I have little faith this will have a good outcome.  Man, I hope I am wrong.  I would love to take everything above back and admit I was wrong.


I only have one comment after the hurricane which was a monster.  In one area alone 5 people died after not heeding the mandatory evacuation order.  The sheriff said they called but they could not get to them, and they died.  I know at times things get over estimated and consequently folks don’t leave next time, but that is no excuse. First if you are unable to leave, and I mean physically, we should do everything to help them.  But many are the folks who know better than the experts, (Kind of like how during the pandemic everyone became a doctor/scientist who knew better.) and consequently they end up dead.  Well to bad so sad, if you are one of those that didn’t leave and could have then call for rescue you should pay every dollar it costs if they come.  No sympathy on my part.  When they use words like epic and monster take them at their word or drown like a rat.  The guy in the kayak in his living room who said we did not think it was going to be that bad is a perfect example.  All you had to do was watch and listen and know this was going to be ugly, but since you did not heed the warning, tough luck.  I just feel bad for those you leave behind.


Hate to see things coming unglued in the middle east.  Iran is asking for it and just might get their wish.  After decades the time has come to stop the missiles being sent into Israel from all sides.  Things just may be coming to a head, which while not a good thing has been coming for a while.  Not sure what the answer is but the radicals cannot be allowed to continue to bomb Israel.  What makes it truly ironic, there is not a Muslim country in the world that wants any part of the Palestinians yet they use them as justification.  Crazy.


Going to take a little break now.  One thing about getting older it is hard to keep up the pace, plus not wanting too anyway.  Not sure when I will get back on the water but it looks like in the week to come the weather is going to begin to ease some.  Since Colorado is calling later next week I will be fishing a day or two before heading out.

This is what I am headed back for, our happy place.  Fall in full swing and the rut will be on.  A hike we will make again next year.

So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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Ok weather, that is enough of that. 9/24/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

This house prep thing is getting to be a real pain in the ass.  We have done all we can do to get it ready for the sale, and it has been work.  Past of the problem is there was plenty to do outside and by noon it has been flat hot.  But the time has come to call it a day, it is what it is.  Wednesday they are coming to take pictures and it will be on the net with a sign in the yard.  Trying to guess when it might sell in relation to when we plan on leaving is pure voodoo.

One benefit is cleaning out stuff and going through 40 years of life, and we have way too much stuff.  I always like to leave stuff at the curb for free when I can.  We had a couple of plastic chairs and 4 from the old patio set that needed to go so I set them on the curb.  Sprayed off the deck and by time I walked back in the house they were being loaded up and gone.  Same with the beach chair we put out later in the day.  And it will be one interesting garage sale.  The real benefit of all this is when it is move time we will be so prepared.  So, with the week spent being totally responsible time for some fishing.


73/93.  Partly cloudy in the morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers later in the day. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

Lake Level

Today 96.51 msl.     Last Monday 96.68 msl.  (The slow steady decline continues.)

Bite Times

Major 5:07 am to 7:07 pm.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


The best of times – The worst of times.

I hate to bitch about the weather, but I am going to.  As you can see it was flat calm at daylight, unfortunately it stayed that way all morning until I finally called no mas.  It was just plain to hot and sticky and without a bit of wind or cloud cover it was tough.  How tough was it?  When I got back to the ramp at noon there was only one other truck left.  There are crappie fishermen every morning, but they are all long gone with this heat.  But they are a bunch of old guys like me.

The best of 7 on the watermelon trick worm.

The conditions at the lake have not really changed much but the slow drop in water level is really starting to show, and I think having a profound effect on the bite.  The water is clear down lake with a little color up, and the temp still hovers around 90 degrees.   When you add the dropping water level the shallow bite is almost nonexistent.  And the few that are shallow are tight to wood cover.  How tight?  Pitch your plastic right in it and hang on, which is fun.

The only swim jig fish.  The lake is full of this size, but when it is this tough you better be happy with these.

I wish I had some great words of insight for you, but deep fishing is not really my thing.  But on Coleto right now and until the weather begins to really change that is where you need to be.  What little I have fished deeper has produced but it seems I just cannot catch the bigger ones no matter what I do.  But one thing about getting old and having been there and done that, I do what I like.  It is back to the Dahlberg quote:  “First I just wanted to catch a fish, then I wanted to catch a bunch of fish, then I wanted to catch a big fish, (Now in the twilight of my own career.) I just want to catch them the way I like to.”  


I really have been disappointed with the weather.  I had hoped to have some better fishing the last couple of months before my trip back to Colorado.  With no real weather change on the horizon things are not really looking up for the next couple of weeks until I head back.  So my hopes rest on November and December when I will be making the Coleto last stand.  And if I am lucky maybe someone will take me saltwater fishing a time or two before I hit the road.  But of course, that will not stop me and I will be out there fishing until the bitter end.  Coleto has been good to me and I have so lost count of the number of big fish that the lake has produced but it has been in the hundreds.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


Is Someone Trying to Contact Me?

You have to give the Israel’s credit for the pager thing.  Hezbollah has been sending thousands of rockets in Israel for decades and they got a little dose of their own medicine.  What next here at home?  Demonstrations in favor of Hezbollah?  They are terrorist scum, end of story and they deserve no quarter.  Funny how the ambassador of Iran was also carrying one of the pagers.  Keep up the good work Israel, you have a right to defend yourself.  Then today they set off the walkie talkies.  Anyone who had them or the pagers was a terrorist, and I am sure the ones carried in their pockets left a mark.  One thing about the Israelis, when they decide to kill you, get your affairs in order because you are toast.  Good work.


Posted in Fish Catching Travel | Comments Off on Ok weather, that is enough of that. 9/24/24.

To Dang Hot 9/16/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It was foggy, the kind of foggy you could not see your hand in front of your face.  Sitting in the truck I could not help thinking about all those days where it was early morning and I waited at the ramp.  Maybe wind, snow, or lightening, and of course fog, I have sat them out for over 50 years.  Sprinkled in were even a few where it just did not happen and back to the house.  It has been one long strange trip.  Freshwater, saltwater, inshore and off, waiting is part of it.  Patience is a virtue and in fishing a necessity.


74/96.  Sunny skies.  Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.  8% chance of rain.

Lake Level

Today 96.68 msl.  Friday 96.75 msl.  (The slow steady decline continues.)

Bite Times

Major 11:11 am to 1:11 pm.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


When I could finally at least ease around the corner to a close point with wood on it in about 15′ of water.  First, I tried spinnerbait around the point and did catch one but that was the only one.  When I eased out to locate the brush it was obvious there was fish on it.  Picked up the flippin stick with the watermelon trick worm and the bite was on.

The first cast as I lifted up it was soft, so I set the hook.  And the bites that came there were all the same, no tic, no thump, just a real soggy lift.  I know I did not catch all that but, but once I started setting the hook the minute it felt like that they started coming in the boat.  I managed to catch 5 more off the pile but once the sun started to peeking through, I decided to head out.  Bad move.

Best I could manage today.

From the brush I have been catching them out of, too trolling for an hour it was flat slow.  A couple more came on plastic, but it was slim pickings.  It kind of surprised me they weren’t in the heavy cover like they have been, usually where you find them when the sun is out and the wind dies.  Today there were a couple of little bites/pecks that just did not turn into fish in the boat.  The boss wanted some fish, she gets it because she is allergic to shrimp and I just not willing to give them up, so shrimp for me and fish fry for her.  Even trolling was slow today and at 11:00 I decided it was not going to happen.  But she got her fish and I got hot.

Conditions also played a big part in the poor fishing today.  You can visually see that the lake is dropping which never helps the fishing.  Today at about 9:00 it was flat dead calm and it stayed that way, and it was hot.  The water temp was 90 most places, having come up 7 degrees since Friday.  But there is a weather change coming at the end of the week so looking forward to that.  In the end no matter how tough I was fishing, I am thankful for every day.


I am patiently waiting to head back to Colorado in a couple of weeks with the only “real” load.  Since we are furnished, we are keeping it to a dull roar.  Until then, and the rest of the year I will be taking advantage of Coleto Creek and the bass.  It is really a great adventure and we are so looking forward to it.  But until then keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



On the news tonight they said that TPWD was trying to keep the deer breeders in business, duh.  The issue, CWD.  Apparently, the number of cases has gone well over 3oo at one place alone.  They seem so willing to bet the future of the whitetail in Texas to placate commercial interests instead of the everyday Texas hunter.  I really, really, hope I am wrong but as cases rise it seems inevitable it gets out in the wild population.  I know that is not a scientific statement, just common sense.  As with exotics, once the cat is out of the bag it is hard to put it back.  Good luck Texas, you just might need it.


Hunting and Fishing Only for the Rich is the Future?

I could not have said it any better myself.  (Though the Mother mention is a little out there you get the point.)

I know I rant about public lands, who owns the rivers, high fence and a myriad of other things that restrict folks access to the land and the outdoors.  While I can honestly say that rarely has it been an issue for me, the lands are a finite resource that not all have easy access to.  What remains should be protected at all costs.  Usage in all areas is way up, but the real issue is they are not making any more.  Out west the billionaires are buying out the millionaires and more and more land is ending up in the hands of fewer and fewer people.  You can never convince me that is a good thing. The current access has to be preserved for the good of all.  Trust me all you rich guys, when you are dead and gone the shit you own will be meaningless!


And one-off topic comment.  I have a problem with rich landowners now wanting the state to come in and fix what might be a real long-term problem with abandoned wells.  We need a long-term bond/insurance program for all wells and mines.  The argument that it will be too expensive for them makes no sense, especially when you realize it is costing us the taxpayers billions instead of the responsible parties.  Somebody is going to pay and as usual it is the taxpayers not the connected special interests.

When the landowners score (No criticism, good for them.) then the oil companies drill,  both reap the benefit I am not sure why the taxpayers are left footing the bill for the mess.  And there is definitely no reason to let the companies off the hook.  If we have not learned anything just look at the Super Fund sites, we are paying billions of dollars to clean them up all across this country.  Why folks get to harvest the resource and line their pockets without assuming one bit of responsibility for the mess puzzles me.  (Not really, it goes back to our politicians being bought and paid for.)


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All Around Fun Morning. 9/13/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors

It was a beautiful morning, and morning was the operative word as it was still dark when I dropped the boat in.  The water temp was up to the mid 80’s, the wind was really light and the color remains good.  I really had no specific plan today which turned out to be a good thing.  Topwater, spinnerbait, swim jig all caught a few but the watermelon trick worm pitched to the heaviest cover I could find was the hands down best bait.

The gators have hatched.  Saw 3 today and this little one chased the topwater all the way to the boat.  They are fearless, which changes when they learn we are not their friend.


74/96.  Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. Hot. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.  16% chance of rain.  (Back to Colorado soon.  Sick of this heat and humidity.)

Lake Level

Wednesday 96.79 msl.  Today 96.75 msl.  (A slow steady decline.)

Bite Times

Major 7:27 am to 9:27 am.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Fishing was ok, will get to that in a minute, but that was not the highlight of the morning, look at this pic closely.

The first time that has happened to me in over 50 years of hard-core fishing.

I was alternating today with the works when reeling a swim jig along one popped it.  When I reeled in the skirt was pulled down and my trailer was gone.  That type of bite is often crappie, but I picked up the worm and pitched it in there.  One hop and it was fish on.  It was a small one and when I flipped it in the boat I felt something soft and wet hit my foot/flip.  Guess what?  It was my trailer.  The fish ate the trailer when I missed it, then the worm, and then puked it back up when it was boat flipped.  I have caught bass with lots of weird stuff over the years, but this is the first time on back-to-back casts the same fish hit it while still having the plastic in his mouth.  Chock that one up to just plain weird.


They are just plain chunks right now.

Without any wind until right before I quit I started with the Bang O Lure and mananged to catch a small one and missed another.  But it was just not happening where I started.  From that point on I tried the spinnerbait on what can loosely be called a windy bank without a bite.

Dragging them out of cover is hand to hand combat.

At that point the sun was out and the wind had basically died so time to go to the old standby this time of year on Coleto, pitching the watermelon trick worm to cover.  Though the lakes is slowly falling there is still some hardwoods on the banks here and there.  I was pitching on 20lb momo using a 3/16th tungsten slip sinker pegged at the head with a heavy duty 5/0 hook.

I won the fight, but it was an epic struggle.

It is so important to make a precise cast.  Today it was right in the stuff.  And I mean where you hoped you could get it back.  That is why pegging the slip sinker is so important, helps get through cover so you don’t get the worm on one side of the cover and the sinker on the other.  And keep the point of the hook point skin hooked so it can slide over cover.  And when it does occasionally get stuck you can usually shake it and get it to come off.

A spinnerbait fish.

But it is so important to when you ease it up and think it is wood to just hold a split second.  Occasionally it is a fish.  And other times they hit it as it falls as soon as it hits the water.  The downside, if you can call it that is it can be a real struggle.  The biggest one today got literally all wrapped up.  She was right below the surface in the middle of the tree and was right below the surface and I am pulling hard on the flippin stick.  There was no letting her swim back out, it was a mess so I pulled right in it and the battle was on.  It took me 3 or 4 times to finally get her in the net.  It is moments like this that keep me fishing.

Last one of the morning.  You have to have the wind to catch them on spinnerbait.

At 11:00 it was already getting hot so on the way back to the ramp saw a bank with some wind on a main lake bank so I stopped.  A small then the one above were there.  I reeled it right through a bush and she blasted it.  So even though the worm was the ticket I just cannot stop fishing the spinnerbait.  And with our change of location that style of fishing will be rare unless I go on a trip.  So until the move I will be thrashing them as often as I can.  The big fish right now are few and far between but at least you can put some in the boat in spite of the hot weather.  it was an easy 10 and did catch 3 on one point so they are there to be caught.


This weekend will be doing stuff to the house and of course watching some football.  But as soon as Monday comes it will be back on the water.  The bite is not hot, but they are there to be caught if you are flexible.  And they sure are fat and sassy.  It bodes well for the future of the lake.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


The Insurance Companies 

It is amazing how much all insurance has skyrocketed.  It has the making of a gigantic screw job and it remains to be seen whether the American people will stand up to the blatant price hikes.  We have to get over that just because you have to have it nothing can be done.  Write and call you representatives.  Hopefully as it gets worse, the horror stories are everywhere, the government my actually care and look into it.  (Unless they are bought and paid for.)  Just think about what it means to your pocketbook.  Then to drive it home the insurance company that covers our house in Texas sent out an email.  They wanted me to participate in a survey on communicating with your insurance company.  So they attached a non-highlighted link that even copied and pasted was worthless.  There you have it, how they really feel about us.  “We really don’t want to talk to any of you unless we feel like cancelling you for no reason..  Time for folks to really start bitching.  It feels like a rip off to me.


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Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


May be an image of text

We must never forget the folks who lost their lives the day Islamic terrorists flew into the World Trade Center.  It was not Methodists or Catholics and at the time our government refused to call them what they were, Islamic terrorists.  When we look at the world and many of the serious issues Islam is so often the root factor.  Hamas is a perfect example of murderous scum who need to be wiped from the face of the earth.  The hardline Islamists must be monitored and if needed a dose of Seal Team 6 should be applied whenever appropriate.  Killing in the name of “your” God is sick no matter who does it.  But if you murder folks you need to reap the whirlwind and there should be no quarter.




73/91.  Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy in the afternoon.  10% chance of rain. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.  (The wind did not quite make the grade.)

Lake Level

Today 96.79 msl.  Monday 96.87msl.  (A slow steady decline.)

Bite Times

Major 6:26 am to 8:26 am.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I was up and gone before daylight.  Conditions were the same as Monday only the wind was not near as strong and it was high pressure following the weather associated with the hurricane passing.  The water temps remained in the low 80’s and the color is perfect.  Today I decided to try some different places first thing and at least there was a bite happening because after around 9:00 it got ugly slow.

The sun had not peaked out yet when starting on the first bank.  It is not the type of place most bass fishermen would consider but there were a few there.  And when I say shallow here is a screen shot of where I was fishing.  And note that I could not reach the bank on a big cast so shallow hardly describes it.

Shallow enough for you?  Took this pic right after fish #2.

I said it was dark.

It was the white willow leaf tandem that did the early damage.  6 jumped on in the first hour and from there it was slim pickings.  It was interesting to see several turn off right beside the boat.  Guess it was just too shallow for them to commit and maybe I would have caught a little bigger fish if I was a little farther out but hard to change when catching 6 the first hour.

These were the only ones worth a hoot on the first bank.  

Now I might have shot myself in the foot by over thinking it this morning.  The plan was a couple of places I have not fished in a while then head to the place that was so good on Monday.  After the first place I headed that way and the first issue, the wind was not on it like Monday.  This time of year especially no wind no fish, pretty simple.  And not a bite on that spot.

From that point on it was hunt and peck and I ended up eking out 2 more smalls on spinnerbait, 2 on the watermelon trick worm out of my magic tree, and two on a blue swim jig.  I forgot that I took several crawdad looking swim jigs to Colorado which turned out to be an issue.  The first 2 caught on the blue/blue swim jig were small, and then a good one tried to jerk the rod out of my hands.  She was on a bunch of wood and before I could get control it was headfirst in the wood just deep enough I could not reach it.  It would pull really hard and I would pull back trying to get her out. Since it was on 30lb Power Pro with a 15 leader it was a tussle.  Even tried the let it go slack and see if it would swim out but that was not happening. The leader finally broke at the knot, and I lost my only dark swim jig.  They were definitely not interested in a white swim jig after I tried it on.

Though small I did want to show you another Kentucky.  This one was on the main lake and you might expect to see more the next few years if the grass does not come back.

Kentucky’s prefer rock structure, and the lake has plenty available.  The one above was a little one, but they have been showing up the last 4 years, so at some point we should see some better ones.  In highland reservoirs they really show up early spring (When the lakes water temp gets to 45 to 50 degrees.) and are suckers for a jerk bait.  While I won’t be around put that in your memory bank for pre-spawn next spring.  Love to catch those once they turn into 3lb footballs.

And notice the big blade on the spinnerbait.  I tried it late just to make a bigger wake and see if I could get a reaction bite, but this is the only one not on the willow leaf.  So at 1:00 I called it a day.  If I were guessing and I am, they bit good Monday on the approaching weather and might have really had at it yesterday.  But who knows.  One thing about fall is it seems when it is good it is very good, but at times it sure can be tough.  But heck, I was fishing so no complaints.  Beats a job any day.


We are watching Jim Cantore doing his usual hurricane stuff and we are laughing.  All I can see is a Saturday Night skit – He is impaled by a 2″x4″ with blood spurting everywhere as he keeps on reporting.  It looked like it would not be much but it rapidly turned into Cat 2, you just never know.  Morgan City is ground zero and I always wanted to stop there when traveling, looks like a cool LA town.

And speaking of that we stopped at Trader Joe’s in Houston yesterday and it was busy as all get out.  (Every time I drive through Houston it reminds me how much I hate big cities.) Of course, then it dawned on us folks were getting prepared, which even though it did not amount to anything at least folks were taking precautions.  It is always worrisome if it does not really hit folks will become complacent.  And now that it has come ashore, we shall see who was ready and who wasn’t.

Tomorrow will be do responsible stuff then back at it Friday.  The forecast is not all that hot but it just might be a swim jig bite so I will be sure to stop and buy a couple.  Fishing is truly BOAT, but hey at least it keeps me out of strip clubs!  Lol.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


I hope folks watched the debate.  Not sure it changed any minds but there was one great moment where I am glad I did not have a mouth full of brew as I would have spit it all over myself; “They’re eating the cats and dogs.”  That nonsense has been going around for decades.  The oriental restaurants used to hear the stuff all the time.  The only question if they are doing that;  Is baked or fired better?  What a crazy election we have.


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That Was Awesome. 9/9/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


Until I checked lake levels I did not have a clue it had been 3 weeks or so since I fished.  Time flies when you are not having fun, but finally getting a handle on the house stuff and the new glasses.  Next up is deciding on a relator and it will be interesting to see what commission they will be asking after the lawsuit loss.  There are a couple of other options but time is ticking down and I want to get it all organized by early October so I can make a run out to Colorado, and we are both getting real excited about the move.  Plus, I want to do a little fly fishing before the snow flies.  As far as tomorrow is concerned just have to be there at daylight and see how it goes.


70/88.  Sunshine and clouds mixed. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph. 1% chance of rain.

Lake Level

Today 96.87msl.    Three weeks ago 97.65 msl.

Bite Times

Major  11:29 am to 12:29 pm.  (Only relevant time period.)

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


Starting at daylight it was blowing about 15mph out of the north, the watercolor was great, and interestingly enough the water temp was in the mid 80’s, which was a significant drop.  Glad I had the light raincoat in the truck as it was actually just a hair cool, and boy am I glad we are headed that way.

First up was buzzbait as it has been a go to bait for me in September.  But only a couple jumped on, and several missed it, one I caught barely pulled it under.  They just would not commit.

Here they are, better than nothing.

I hunted and pecked around and just seemed like I could get anything going with a crankbait and even plastic, though the wind was a little tough and never did settle down.  It finally cleared, as did this old brain of mine.  Over the years as it clears like this and the wind blows just right time for the spinnerbait.  I may be slipping just a little, happens to us old guys but I haven’t forgot the good stuff!

I have said it many times before but when a good one crushes a burned spinnerbait it is a sight to behold.

The first cast a small one jumped it and I knew it was going to happen.  The hot bank was a mid slopping bank behind a tree line (Where I assumed they summered.) with the wind blowing across it.  The bait of choice was a white 3/8th tandem spin with a silver #5 willow run right below the surface making a big wake.  And they flat blasted it, not a miss.

They were just crushing it.

This was a fatty.  Big or small they are sure well fed this year.

The smallest of the run, which happened over about a half hour.

It was one of those runs where I am glad I had the net out.  They were full of piss and vinegar and wet my whistle for tomorrow morning.  Then disaster struck.  They were really on and I had the next bank all planned out in my mind when the Boss called about 10:30, and sort of ruined my day.

She had jury duty and had scheduled the week off just in case.  She was set or Monday and it got cancelled and then they set her for a trial on Tuesday when she got a text it was cancelled.  She was free and clear and said lets go have a little adult entertainment.  Since we had a couple of days comped I headed to the ramp, put it on the trailer and off we went.  But we are back and I am really looking forward to the morning.

There is no telling if the pattern will hold, but the weather looks good with clouds first thing then clearing.  When that happened is when they started, and it happened to be just a little before start of the minor.  But with the fish concentrating on shad there is a good chance that bite will continue.  Waking a spinnerbait is both a good spring and fall pattern.  The real difference between spring and fall is spring is more of a reaction bite because they are up, fall they come up in bunches on certain banks and it is a matter of finding the right one.  So we shall see how my choice goes in the morning but it won’t be any trouble waking up.


While I have a few things that need doing tomorrow it will be fishing and more fishing.  All fishermen are optimists, and I can hardly wait.  So keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines



Last week the Hogs beat the snot our of a nobody, then after a great first half went stupid and ended up losing to Oklahoma State in double overtime.  Really a tough loss.  A&M did this week what the Hogs did last by beating the snot out of a nobody.  Hard to make a judgment on them until next week.  On the other hand, Texas just beat the crap out of Michigan, something rarely done.  Just shows what can happen once the cheater is gone.  And Colorado played, or not, against Nebraska and their real colors came shining through.  They are past overrated.  And finally, Norte Dame is just a pretender.   So it was a good weekend of college football and cannot wait to see how the pros do.

How about those Cowboys.  They played an almost perfect game and the defensive plan was spot on.  And the Houston Texans play a fairly good game and both teams will be in contention.  I did see a comment on Dak signing his new contract that now the Boys are guaranteed to not be in the Super Bowl for the nest 4 years.  But no matter what it was a good weekend on the gridiron.


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Back At It. 9/5/24.


Knockin Tail Lures by My Coast Outdoors


I finally was able to get back on the water.  The trolling motor has given up the ghost which meant it would be some trolling but at this point I just want to get back on the water.  This being dizzy is not all it is cracked up to be.  Plus the Boss ordered a fish fry and it turned out to be a catching kind of day.

That is a big white bass for Coleto Creek

The wind stayed steady at 15+ all morning.  The water temp was 88 – 90 everywhere I fished and the color is great.  It drove me a little nuts as it stayed fairly cloudy all morning and it looked like a bass kind of morning.  But oh well, will solve the trolling motor thing tomorrow.

It took me a while to find them but once I did it was game on.  They were on a flat, near a drop where the wind was blowing across it.  It ended up that the fish, and of course the shad, were bunched up in 12 – 14′ of water.  They were pretty tightly bunched and it was several doubles during the bite, the only problem most were bass.  There were plenty there mixed in was a few white bass, which is what I was trying to catch,

See this size?  I could not get away from them.

The bite was full on from around 9 until 11:00.  I was able to catch 4 white bass for supper wading through the bass.  But the bass were actually a pain in the butt.  I showed you the bass above because the future for Coleto looks good.  The 13″ers were fat and sassy and there were lot of them.  I was using shad color baits, one ran 10′ the other 8′, about 60′ behind the boat.  The fish did not seem to have a preference as to which one.  And as usual the best speed was 2.3mph.

Today was a make due with what i had, which was trolling.  It is all about not being a one trick pony.  There is a world of fish out there and just as many ways to catch them.  And anytime I can knock off 30+ in a couple of hours is a good day.

************Wade-right-300x50The Wade Right Fishing Belt and the new Madre Sling.

For all your wading needs.


I tend to rant every time I hear some blow hard politician start talking about selling our public lands.  If you will remember I said we have to watch them because it usually involves rich folks making bank while “stealing” our lands.  Now DeSatan the governor of Florida, has proposed adding golf, pickle ball, tennis, swimming pools, etc to some state parks.  From what I read he was “working” with Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods.  Told you so.  We should never let them get their hands on public lands; they cannot be trusted to do it for our benefit.  And now the employee of the state parks who broke the story has been fired.  If they were not up to something tricky, why would they fire him?  Looks like the project is dead but you can never take your eyes off any of them.  Plus there is all the gold courses we need in this country.

Park passes while getting more expensive every year are still a good deal.  Where folks who enjoy the outdoors, maybe the family just out for a hike with the kids, can still do it relatively cheaply.  And remember we are the ones who paid for them in the first place.  If a state wants to start a park with golf, pickleball, or any other sport have at it.  But do not use our outdoor lands for the rich to make more money.  In most cases it is the only outdoor area often available to folks and it needs to stay “the woods.”  And speaking of outdoor conflict in this vein pick up a copy of Texas Monthly and read the story concerning the Devils River.  It is enlightening and a well written piece on the issues with competing stake holders.


Looks like life just might be back in business.  After being dizzy for a month or more, then patching one eye so I could at least not be so sick, I finally picked up my new glasses.  They are taking just a little getting used to, but I can read and type, so things are looking up.  I have not driven yet but the lake is calling me and if all is good tomorrow I should be at the lake daylight Thursday.  Trust me, double vision is tough, and I am glad to wave it goodbye.  And on that note just had a physical and all good surprising enough.  (Not sure they don’t have me confused with someone else.)  Getting old is not for the weak.


Got the trolling motor issue fixed and now a couple of days around the house then finally some fishing next week.  About done painting what needs to be done for the sale and actually got some stuff packed and organized in the house.  One advantage of already having the other house is a slow move which will be done way before we hit the road.  But for me it will be some fishing next week as the weather looks good and the fish are biting.  And I will get back to weather, level, bite time to go along with the report.  So sorry for the absence but keep stopping in and thanks for reading my stuff.

Good Luck and Tight Lines


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